1、Experts and lawmakers debated root causes, but agreed that further action is required.───专家和议员在问题的根源上有争议,不过都同意应采取更进一步的行动。
2、However, if administrators identify an upward utilization trend that is continuing, further action is required. These actions include.───但是,如果管理员发现利用率增加的趋势是持续的,就需要采取进一步的措施。
3、The next time that you build the project, the output file will have the new name with no further action required on your part.───下次生成项目时,输出文件将自动带有新名称,您不需要采取进一步的Cao作。
4、It similarly considers reports of the Executive Board, which it instructs in regard to matters upon which further action, study, investigation or report may be required.───它同样审议执行委员会的报告,就可能需要进一步行动、研究、调查或报告的事项对其作出指示。
5、Time wasters of my time will be sorted quickly - no further action required.───我的时间浪费时间便能很快-没有必要采取进一步的行动。
further action required(意思翻译)
further action required(相似词语短语)
1、further action───进一步行动;下一步工作
2、required field───必填项;必填字段
3、further to───关于…之事;再加,又及
6、action required───需要采取的行动
7、go further───进一步地说[做]
8、required for───要求……(required是require的过去式和过去分词)
9、required course───n.必修课程
further action required(双语使用场景)
1、Experts and lawmakers debated root causes, but agreed that further action is required.───专家和议员在问题的根源上有争议,不过都同意应采取更进一步的行动。
2、However, if administrators identify an upward utilization trend that is continuing, further action is required. These actions include.───但是,如果管理员发现利用率增加的趋势是持续的,就需要采取进一步的措施。
3、The next time that you build the project, the output file will have the new name with no further action required on your part.───下次生成项目时,输出文件将自动带有新名称,您不需要采取进一步的Cao作。
4、It similarly considers reports of the Executive Board, which it instructs in regard to matters upon which further action, study, investigation or report may be required.───它同样审议执行委员会的报告,就可能需要进一步行动、研究、调查或报告的事项对其作出指示。
5、Time wasters of my time will be sorted quickly - no further action required.───我的时间浪费时间便能很快-没有必要采取进一步的行动。