abbr.中国人民银行 (People Bankof China);外围总线计算机 (Peripheral Bus Computer)
1、collectorship of port new york───纽约港收藏家
2、accentual phrase───重音短语
3、imprecation means───恳求的意思
4、stratified random sampling───分层任意抽样,分层随机抽样,分层随机取土样
5、ass pillow───屁股枕头
6、pebbly jack───卵石杰克
7、estancia lapacho───拉帕乔
8、onwards and upwards───天天向上;勇往直前;一直进步
9、insectivora species───食虫纲
10、upland lowlife───高地低地生物
1、It seems that the etiology of PBC is still unknown at this point, but studies indicate that there is an immunological basis for the disease.───目前原发性胆汁性肝硬化 (P B C)的病因好像还不是很清楚,但研究显示,这种疾病的发生与免疫有关。
2、As the central bank, PBC will formulate and implement monetary policies, execute supervision and control power over the banking industry.───作为中央银行,中国人民银行在GuoWuYuan的领导下,制定和实施货币政策,对金融业实施监督管理。
3、secretarial services to the Monetary Policy Committee of the PBC.───承办中国人民银行货币政策委员会秘书处的日常工作。
4、The aim of the first part of this study is to review the investigational and clinical improvements of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC).───论文第一部分主要综述原发性胆汁性肝硬化 (P B C)基础和临床研究方面的进展。
5、The PBC and its branch institutions shall conduct effective supervision over the licenses ' activities under administrative licensing.───中国人民银行及其分支机构对被许可人从事行政许可事项的活动,应当实施有效监督。
6、The General Assembly, Security Council and ECOSOC should all make good use of their respective advantages to support the work of PBC.───LianDa、安理会、经社会等相关机构均应结合各自特点发挥优势,为PBC工作提供支持。
7、The third part focuses on the situation of re-loans of PBC.───第三部分是对我国中央银行再贷款状况的研究。
8、The PBC shall not act as financial guarantor for any entity or individual.───中国人民银行不得向任何单位和个人提供担保。
9、The skin condition psoriasis, urinary infections, and shingles also significantly increased the likelihood of a PBC diagnosis.───牛皮癣的皮肤,尿路感染和带状疱疹也大大增加了PBC患病的可能。
1、The polarization beam splitter(PBS) and polarization beam combiner (PBC) were utilized to form dual loop structure to suppress the side modes of microwave signal without adding active device.
2、Independence of the PBC continuously enhancing is the one of the important features of the trend that is established and improved by the central bank of China.
3、The PBC or its branch institutions shall hear the opinions of applicant or the interested party.
4、ICI was significantly reduced in PBC patients and daytime somnolence was greater in patients where net inhibition exceeded facilitation.
5、Results PBC was 59.68 % and AIH 40.32 % in the autoimmune hepatopathy.
6、Objective Primary biliary cirrhosis ( PBC ) is characterized by frequent presence of anti mitochondrial antibody ( AMA ).
7、The FDTD combined with periodic boundary condition (PBC) and absorber boundary condition (ABC) becomes the accurate and efficient tool for various periodic structures.
8、Losses of the PBC shall be setoff by allocations of the central finance.
9、The PBC will support eligible agro-linked enterprises to get listed.
abbr.中国人民银行 (People Bankof China);外围总线计算机 (Peripheral Bus Computer)
1、collectorship of port new york───纽约港收藏家
2、accentual phrase───重音短语
3、imprecation means───恳求的意思
4、stratified random sampling───分层任意抽样,分层随机抽样,分层随机取土样
5、ass pillow───屁股枕头
6、pebbly jack───卵石杰克
7、estancia lapacho───拉帕乔
8、onwards and upwards───天天向上;勇往直前;一直进步
9、insectivora species───食虫纲
10、upland lowlife───高地低地生物
1、It seems that the etiology of PBC is still unknown at this point, but studies indicate that there is an immunological basis for the disease.───目前原发性胆汁性肝硬化 (P B C)的病因好像还不是很清楚,但研究显示,这种疾病的发生与免疫有关。
2、As the central bank, PBC will formulate and implement monetary policies, execute supervision and control power over the banking industry.───作为中央银行,中国人民银行在GuoWuYuan的领导下,制定和实施货币政策,对金融业实施监督管理。
3、secretarial services to the Monetary Policy Committee of the PBC.───承办中国人民银行货币政策委员会秘书处的日常工作。
4、The aim of the first part of this study is to review the investigational and clinical improvements of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC).───论文第一部分主要综述原发性胆汁性肝硬化 (P B C)基础和临床研究方面的进展。
5、The PBC and its branch institutions shall conduct effective supervision over the licenses ' activities under administrative licensing.───中国人民银行及其分支机构对被许可人从事行政许可事项的活动,应当实施有效监督。
6、The General Assembly, Security Council and ECOSOC should all make good use of their respective advantages to support the work of PBC.───LianDa、安理会、经社会等相关机构均应结合各自特点发挥优势,为PBC工作提供支持。
7、The third part focuses on the situation of re-loans of PBC.───第三部分是对我国中央银行再贷款状况的研究。
8、The PBC shall not act as financial guarantor for any entity or individual.───中国人民银行不得向任何单位和个人提供担保。
9、The skin condition psoriasis, urinary infections, and shingles also significantly increased the likelihood of a PBC diagnosis.───牛皮癣的皮肤,尿路感染和带状疱疹也大大增加了PBC患病的可能。
1、The polarization beam splitter(PBS) and polarization beam combiner (PBC) were utilized to form dual loop structure to suppress the side modes of microwave signal without adding active device.
2、Independence of the PBC continuously enhancing is the one of the important features of the trend that is established and improved by the central bank of China.
3、The PBC or its branch institutions shall hear the opinions of applicant or the interested party.
4、ICI was significantly reduced in PBC patients and daytime somnolence was greater in patients where net inhibition exceeded facilitation.
5、Results PBC was 59.68 % and AIH 40.32 % in the autoimmune hepatopathy.
6、Objective Primary biliary cirrhosis ( PBC ) is characterized by frequent presence of anti mitochondrial antibody ( AMA ).
7、The FDTD combined with periodic boundary condition (PBC) and absorber boundary condition (ABC) becomes the accurate and efficient tool for various periodic structures.
8、Losses of the PBC shall be setoff by allocations of the central finance.
9、The PBC will support eligible agro-linked enterprises to get listed.