1、Milton has his hero, Samson, bewailing the fact of his blindness: o dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon irrecoverably dark, total eclipse without all hope of day!───弥尔顿描写到自己崇拜的英雄参孙悲叹自己失明:,黑暗,黑暗,黑暗,在正午的光辉中,无法改变的黑暗,黯然的没有一点希望。
2、putting your hero card into play. Bottom right number is your health total.───将英雄卡放入游戏区,右下角是他的生命值。
3、total, this zero-to-hero MODO modeling series packs a solid punch with 40 videos featuring over 7 hours of material.───总的来说,这个零到高手Modo建模系列包装固体冲压40视频拥有超过7小时的材料。
total hero(意思翻译)
total hero(相似词语短语)
1、total payout───支出总额
3、national hero───民族英雄;国家英雄;[体]民族英雄
4、total unhdr───total unhdr
6、hero cross───英雄十字架
7、archetypical hero───典型英雄
8、matchless hero───无双英雄
9、hero table───英雄表
total hero(双语使用场景)
1、Milton has his hero, Samson, bewailing the fact of his blindness: o dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon irrecoverably dark, total eclipse without all hope of day!───弥尔顿描写到自己崇拜的英雄参孙悲叹自己失明:,黑暗,黑暗,黑暗,在正午的光辉中,无法改变的黑暗,黯然的没有一点希望。
2、putting your hero card into play. Bottom right number is your health total.───将英雄卡放入游戏区,右下角是他的生命值。
3、total, this zero-to-hero MODO modeling series packs a solid punch with 40 videos featuring over 7 hours of material.───总的来说,这个零到高手Modo建模系列包装固体冲压40视频拥有超过7小时的材料。