1、The result showed that the treated wood had good dimension stability, and the moisture Absorption recovery ratio of thickness was 2.68%, which indicated that the set of compression was almost fixed.───结果表明:处理材的厚度吸湿回复率为2.68%,具有良好的尺寸稳定性,说明压缩变定效果好。
2、Cooperated now on market multifarious, dimension no longer onefold books, broke the fixed frame of traditional bookshelf, the limitation with equational space, use rise convenient freely.───配合了现在市面上五花八门、尺寸不再单一的图书,打破了传统书架的固定框架,空间均分的局限性,使用起来方便自如。
3、employed to produce a best speech state sequence which is warped to a fixed dimension vector and the RBF neural network is used as classifier.───利用HMM生成最佳语音状态序列,然后用函数逼近技术产生对最佳状态序列进行时间规正,最后通过RBF神经网络进行分类识别。
fixed dimension(意思翻译)
fixed dimension(相似词语短语)
1、surgically fixed───手术固定
2、fixed stare───凝视
3、dimension reduction───降维;[统计]维数缩减
4、dimension 20───尺寸20
5、chamfer dimension───倒角尺寸
8、firmly fixed───牢牢地固定(fixed是fix的过去式和过去分词)
9、counterbore dimension───沉头孔尺寸
fixed dimension(双语使用场景)
1、The result showed that the treated wood had good dimension stability, and the moisture Absorption recovery ratio of thickness was 2.68%, which indicated that the set of compression was almost fixed.───结果表明:处理材的厚度吸湿回复率为2.68%,具有良好的尺寸稳定性,说明压缩变定效果好。
2、Cooperated now on market multifarious, dimension no longer onefold books, broke the fixed frame of traditional bookshelf, the limitation with equational space, use rise convenient freely.───配合了现在市面上五花八门、尺寸不再单一的图书,打破了传统书架的固定框架,空间均分的局限性,使用起来方便自如。
3、employed to produce a best speech state sequence which is warped to a fixed dimension vector and the RBF neural network is used as classifier.───利用HMM生成最佳语音状态序列,然后用函数逼近技术产生对最佳状态序列进行时间规正,最后通过RBF神经网络进行分类识别。