1、Siamese cats are rather like dogs in some ways.───泰国猫在某些方面相当象狗。
2、We all anthropomorphize pets, looking for a certain spirit in beautiful shepherds, blue-eyed Siamese cats, and fat belly piglets.───我们都将宠物拟人化,在漂亮的牧羊犬,蓝眼睛的暹罗猫,胖肚皮的小猪身上寻找某种精神。
3、Our cats are Siamese cats; they're both female.───我们的猫是暹罗猫;两只都是母的。
4、Our cats are Siamese cats; they're both female.───我们的猫是暹罗猫;两只都是母的。收藏。
5、I have three small pretty white young Siamese cats .───我有三只幼小可爱的暹逻种小白猫。
6、Siamese cats are rather like dogs in some ways.───暹罗猫在某些方面长得有点儿像狗。
siamese cats(英语使用场景)
1、This variety is the Abyssinian, Siamese cats and domestic shorthair cat hybrids.
2、Siamese cats are rather like dogs in some ways.
3、Oriental cats in general seem to be more likely to indulge - and Siamese cats in particular.
4、And its length is showing the characteristics of Siamese cats.
5、I have three small pretty white young Siamese cats.
6、He was not to be persuaded that they were merely Siamese cats gone horribly wrong.
7、Certain cat breeds are more talkative than other. Siamese cats are well known for being the vocalists of the cat world, while Persians tend to be quieter.
siamese cats(意思翻译)
siamese cats(相似词语短语)
1、civet cats───n.[脊椎]灵猫;麝猫
2、talkative siamese cats───健谈的暹罗猫
3、trematodes cats───猫吸虫
4、tinsel cats───金箔猫
6、wholesome cats───有益健康的猫
7、siamese twins───连体双胎;复HeShuang生;连体双生;n.[妇产]暹罗双胎;连体婴
8、no cats───没有猫
siamese cats(双语使用场景)
1、Siamese cats are rather like dogs in some ways.───泰国猫在某些方面相当象狗。
2、We all anthropomorphize pets, looking for a certain spirit in beautiful shepherds, blue-eyed Siamese cats, and fat belly piglets.───我们都将宠物拟人化,在漂亮的牧羊犬,蓝眼睛的暹罗猫,胖肚皮的小猪身上寻找某种精神。
3、Our cats are Siamese cats; they're both female.───我们的猫是暹罗猫;两只都是母的。
4、Our cats are Siamese cats; they're both female.───我们的猫是暹罗猫;两只都是母的。收藏。
5、I have three small pretty white young Siamese cats .───我有三只幼小可爱的暹逻种小白猫。
6、Siamese cats are rather like dogs in some ways.───暹罗猫在某些方面长得有点儿像狗。
siamese cats(英语使用场景)
1、This variety is the Abyssinian, Siamese cats and domestic shorthair cat hybrids.
2、Siamese cats are rather like dogs in some ways.
3、Oriental cats in general seem to be more likely to indulge - and Siamese cats in particular.
4、And its length is showing the characteristics of Siamese cats.
5、I have three small pretty white young Siamese cats.
6、He was not to be persuaded that they were merely Siamese cats gone horribly wrong.
7、Certain cat breeds are more talkative than other. Siamese cats are well known for being the vocalists of the cat world, while Persians tend to be quieter.
8、Our cats are Siamese cats; they're both female.