1、Hunting of song and mistle thrushes and their cousin the redwing is not illegal, but the methods used are, despite attempts by legislators to introduce exceptions.───捕猎画眉、 獬鸫 和 红翼鸫 等鸟类并不违法,但使用灌胶陷阱的方法是违法的,立法者试图引入免责条款。
2、And as the road swooped low, pitched and plunged, I felt an exhilarating wildness in my veins - like a swallow, like a mistle thrush, like a bird of spring, buffeted by the sweet night air.───随着道路下坡俯冲,斜坡或是陡坡,我感觉血管中流淌着令人振奋的狂野——像燕子、像槲鸫、像春天的小鸟,夜晚甜蜜醉人的微风不断地吹拂着我。
3、Mistle thrushes may be pugnacious, but defence against dozens of ravenous redwings and fieldfares is hopeless.───槲鸫此时也许变得非常好斗,但与一群贪婪的红翼鸫相抵抗是不可能的。
4、Mistle thrushes are an exception. They prefer to defend a berried tree against all-comers.───槲鸫是特例,它们更乐意独占一棵结满果实的树,而驱赶所有的靠近者。
1、And as the road swooped low, pitched and plunged, I felt an exhilarating wildness in my veins – like a swallow, like a mistle thrush, like a bird of spring, buffeted by the sweet night air.
2、Hunting of song and mistle thrushes and their cousin the redwing is not illegal, but the methods used are, despite attempts by legislators to introduce exceptions.
3、Mistle thrushes are an exception. They prefer to defend a berried tree against all-comers.
1、Hunting of song and mistle thrushes and their cousin the redwing is not illegal, but the methods used are, despite attempts by legislators to introduce exceptions.───捕猎画眉、 獬鸫 和 红翼鸫 等鸟类并不违法,但使用灌胶陷阱的方法是违法的,立法者试图引入免责条款。
2、And as the road swooped low, pitched and plunged, I felt an exhilarating wildness in my veins - like a swallow, like a mistle thrush, like a bird of spring, buffeted by the sweet night air.───随着道路下坡俯冲,斜坡或是陡坡,我感觉血管中流淌着令人振奋的狂野——像燕子、像槲鸫、像春天的小鸟,夜晚甜蜜醉人的微风不断地吹拂着我。
3、Mistle thrushes may be pugnacious, but defence against dozens of ravenous redwings and fieldfares is hopeless.───槲鸫此时也许变得非常好斗,但与一群贪婪的红翼鸫相抵抗是不可能的。
4、Mistle thrushes are an exception. They prefer to defend a berried tree against all-comers.───槲鸫是特例,它们更乐意独占一棵结满果实的树,而驱赶所有的靠近者。
1、And as the road swooped low, pitched and plunged, I felt an exhilarating wildness in my veins – like a swallow, like a mistle thrush, like a bird of spring, buffeted by the sweet night air.
2、Hunting of song and mistle thrushes and their cousin the redwing is not illegal, but the methods used are, despite attempts by legislators to introduce exceptions.
3、Mistle thrushes are an exception. They prefer to defend a berried tree against all-comers.