1、We hope relevant countries can have a clear understanding of the escorts' responsibilities, follow the usual practice of the games and provide active coordination and assistance for the torch relay.───我们希望有关国家能对护跑手的职责有一个清楚的认识,对他们的工作予以充分理解,并遵循奥运惯例,为火炬传递提供积极配合与协助。
2、Clear, distinct separation of relay, rendezvous, router, and transport functionality.───明确而清晰地分离开了中继、聚集、路由器和传输功能。
3、Multi-functional comprehensive protective relay digital display part shall be perfect, Calibration clear and accurate.───对多功能综合保护继电器的数码显示部分应完好,刻度清晰、准确。
clear relay(意思翻译)
clear relay(相似词语短语)
1、heater relay───加热器继电器
2、phase relay───相继电器
3、STA relay───STA继电器
4、doat relay───doat继电器
5、monitor relay───监控继电器
6、captation relay───字幕继电器
7、clear and clear───清清楚楚
8、status relay───状态继电器
9、relay lnverted───继电器转换
clear relay(双语使用场景)
1、We hope relevant countries can have a clear understanding of the escorts' responsibilities, follow the usual practice of the games and provide active coordination and assistance for the torch relay.───我们希望有关国家能对护跑手的职责有一个清楚的认识,对他们的工作予以充分理解,并遵循奥运惯例,为火炬传递提供积极配合与协助。
2、Clear, distinct separation of relay, rendezvous, router, and transport functionality.───明确而清晰地分离开了中继、聚集、路由器和传输功能。
3、Multi-functional comprehensive protective relay digital display part shall be perfect, Calibration clear and accurate.───对多功能综合保护继电器的数码显示部分应完好,刻度清晰、准确。