1、Donkeys barely enough to cover the shadow of a person, then the owner of passengers and donkeys to shade fierce fighting, no one think they have this right.───驴子的影子仅够遮蔽一个人,于是旅客和驴子的主人为了遮荫激烈地争起来,谁都认为自己才有这个权利。
2、Peace still in the cruel, cruel it is not the smoke of a battlefield that invisible shadow of the bullet among the people and fighting.───和平年代仍旧残酷,残酷的却是没有硝烟的“战场”,看不见影子的“ZiDan”和人与人之间的“厮杀”。或许,我更适合看得见的前者。
3、SIR - There is another factor that explains the escalating conflict in Georgia ( Fighting talk casts a summer shadow , August 5th).───先生—还有一个因素可以解释在格鲁吉亚不断升级的冲突。(“Fighting talk casts a summer shadow”,August 5th)。
fighting shadow(意思翻译)
fighting shadow(相似词语短语)
1、fighting fit───精悍善战;强健;n.精悍善战,强健
2、fighting fighting go───战斗,战斗,开始
4、dinosaurs fighting───恐龙搏斗
5、hippopotamus fighting───河马搏斗
6、fighting boy───斗士
7、shadow boxes───玻璃框罩;陈列柜;[电影]投影面遮暗器
8、fighting out───以斗争解决
fighting shadow(双语使用场景)
1、Donkeys barely enough to cover the shadow of a person, then the owner of passengers and donkeys to shade fierce fighting, no one think they have this right.───驴子的影子仅够遮蔽一个人,于是旅客和驴子的主人为了遮荫激烈地争起来,谁都认为自己才有这个权利。
2、Peace still in the cruel, cruel it is not the smoke of a battlefield that invisible shadow of the bullet among the people and fighting.───和平年代仍旧残酷,残酷的却是没有硝烟的“战场”,看不见影子的“ZiDan”和人与人之间的“厮杀”。或许,我更适合看得见的前者。
3、SIR - There is another factor that explains the escalating conflict in Georgia ( Fighting talk casts a summer shadow , August 5th).───先生—还有一个因素可以解释在格鲁吉亚不断升级的冲突。(“Fighting talk casts a summer shadow”,August 5th)。