1、This includes plans for projects for the short term (one to two years), medium term (two to three years) and long term (five years).───这包括短期(一至两年)、中期(两至三年)和长期(五年)的项目计划。
2、Let's see what happens here, just the motif, one, two, three, four, three four, one two, and then the theme.───让我们看看到底发生了什么,正是动机,一,二,三,四,一遍又一遍,然后是主题?
3、The script sends six messages (two memos, two appointments, and two invitations) to three recipients every 30 minutes. For each iteration of the 15-minute script, the client───该脚本每 30 分钟向 3 个收件人发送 6 条消息(两条备忘记录、两次约会和两次邀请)。
two two three(英语使用场景)
1、One two three four two two three four, the health can't encore!
two two three(意思翻译)
two two three(相似词语短语)
1、three to two───三到二
2、in two two───两个两个
3、two of three───三个中的两个
4、two one three───213
5、two on three───二对三
6、two to two───二比二
7、two two───22
8、two three───23
9、two to three───2到3
two two three(双语使用场景)
1、This includes plans for projects for the short term (one to two years), medium term (two to three years) and long term (five years).───这包括短期(一至两年)、中期(两至三年)和长期(五年)的项目计划。
2、Let's see what happens here, just the motif, one, two, three, four, three four, one two, and then the theme.───让我们看看到底发生了什么,正是动机,一,二,三,四,一遍又一遍,然后是主题?
3、The script sends six messages (two memos, two appointments, and two invitations) to three recipients every 30 minutes. For each iteration of the 15-minute script, the client───该脚本每 30 分钟向 3 个收件人发送 6 条消息(两条备忘记录、两次约会和两次邀请)。
two two three(英语使用场景)
1、One two three four two two three four, the health can't encore!