1、data certification mark would attest that the applicable data is accurate, properly formatted, and thoroughly covers the subject.───数据认证标志将证明相关数据是准确的、格式正确且完全覆盖主题。
2、Certification mark of be linked together and help to improve staff awareness of the environment and abiding initiative, self-consciousness.───贯标与认证有助于提高职工的环境意识和守法的主动性、自觉性。
3、IAF International Mutual Accreditation Mark must be used with other certification mark together. It cannot be used alone.───IAF国际互认标志不可以单独使用,必须与认可标志共同使用。
4、Article 5 No certification certificate or certification mark may be forged, unlawfully used, transferred or illegally traded.───第五条禁止伪造、冒用、转让和非法买卖认证证书和认证标志。
5、Unify the existing certification marks, i. e. , the "" CCIB "" mark and the "" Great Wall "" mark into a new certification mark.───统一现有认证标志,即“CCIB”标志和“长城”标志,形成一个新的认证标志。
6、The cord set fittings must bear the certification mark of the agency responsible for evaluation in a specific country.───电源线组配件需带有该国认证机构的认证标记。
7、CE mark is a safety certification mark, are considered manufacturers open and entering the European market of passports and exit permits.───“CE”标志是一种安全认证标志,被视为制造商打开并进入欧洲市场的护照和通行证。
8、Unify the existing certification marks, i. e., the CCIB mark and the Great Wall mark into a new certification mark.───统一现有认证标志,即“CCIB”标志和“长城”标志,形成一个新的认证标志。
9、IAF International Mutual Accreditation mark should be used with other certification mark together. It cannot be used alone.───IAF国际互认标志不可以单独使用,必须与认可标志共同使用。
certification mark(英语使用场景)
1、The amount of certification mark and collective mark of subsidiary agricultural products reached 15.
2、This file document is use to regulate the authorized organizations using Certification Mark, Certification Body Logo and IAF International Mutual Accreditation Mark.
3、This file is used to regulate the authorized organizations using Certification Mark, Certification Body Logo and IAF International Mutual Accreditation Mark.
4、This document file is use to regulate the authorized organizations using Certification Mark, Certification Body Logo and IAF or International Mutual Accreditation Mark.
5、IAF International Mutual Accreditation Mark be used with other certification mark together. cannot be used alone.
certification mark(意思翻译)
certification mark(相似词语短语)
1、mark───vi.作记号;打分数;使有污点;vt.做标记于;打分数;使有污点;标明方位;庆贺;赋予特征;表明;注意;盯人防守;n.标志;符号;痕迹;分数;n. (Mark)马克(人名)
2、blabs certification───blabs认证
3、bookkeeper certification───簿记员证书
4、certification programs───[计]验证程序
5、certification test───认证测试;出厂证明试验;资格认证考试
6、dietetic certification───饮食认证
7、tips certification───tips认证
9、certification poc───认证poc
certification mark(双语使用场景)
1、data certification mark would attest that the applicable data is accurate, properly formatted, and thoroughly covers the subject.───数据认证标志将证明相关数据是准确的、格式正确且完全覆盖主题。
2、Certification mark of be linked together and help to improve staff awareness of the environment and abiding initiative, self-consciousness.───贯标与认证有助于提高职工的环境意识和守法的主动性、自觉性。
3、IAF International Mutual Accreditation Mark must be used with other certification mark together. It cannot be used alone.───IAF国际互认标志不可以单独使用,必须与认可标志共同使用。
4、Article 5 No certification certificate or certification mark may be forged, unlawfully used, transferred or illegally traded.───第五条禁止伪造、冒用、转让和非法买卖认证证书和认证标志。
5、Unify the existing certification marks, i. e. , the "" CCIB "" mark and the "" Great Wall "" mark into a new certification mark.───统一现有认证标志,即“CCIB”标志和“长城”标志,形成一个新的认证标志。
6、The cord set fittings must bear the certification mark of the agency responsible for evaluation in a specific country.───电源线组配件需带有该国认证机构的认证标记。
7、CE mark is a safety certification mark, are considered manufacturers open and entering the European market of passports and exit permits.───“CE”标志是一种安全认证标志,被视为制造商打开并进入欧洲市场的护照和通行证。
8、Unify the existing certification marks, i. e., the CCIB mark and the Great Wall mark into a new certification mark.───统一现有认证标志,即“CCIB”标志和“长城”标志,形成一个新的认证标志。
9、IAF International Mutual Accreditation mark should be used with other certification mark together. It cannot be used alone.───IAF国际互认标志不可以单独使用,必须与认可标志共同使用。
certification mark(英语使用场景)
1、The amount of certification mark and collective mark of subsidiary agricultural products reached 15.
2、This file document is use to regulate the authorized organizations using Certification Mark, Certification Body Logo and IAF International Mutual Accreditation Mark.
3、This file is used to regulate the authorized organizations using Certification Mark, Certification Body Logo and IAF International Mutual Accreditation Mark.
4、This document file is use to regulate the authorized organizations using Certification Mark, Certification Body Logo and IAF or International Mutual Accreditation Mark.
5、IAF International Mutual Accreditation Mark be used with other certification mark together. cannot be used alone.