1、Based on the heat conduction principle, the meaning of enterprise risk conduction is defined which includes enterprise internal conduction and external conduction.───基于热传导原理,界定了企业风险传导涵义,包括企业内部风险传导和企业间风险传导。
2、The conduction on the thematic meaning expression and emotional color of space is an indispensable part of the Architecture theory.───对于空间主题意义表达和情感色彩的关注是建筑理论不可缺少的一部分。
3、Objective to discuss the electrocardiogram characteristics and clinical meaning of untypical Wenckebach's phenomenon in atrioventricular conduction.───目的探讨房室传导不典型文氏现象的心电图特点及临床意义。
meaning of conduction(意思翻译)
meaning of conduction(相似词语短语)
1、conduction aphasia───传导性失语症
2、conduction examples───传导示例
3、conduction heat transfer───传导传热
4、conduction meaning───传导意义
5、conduction thermal───导热
6、conduction convection radiation───传导对流辐射
7、bone conduction───骨导; 骨传声; 骨传导;[生物物理]骨传导;[生物物理]骨导
8、conduction cooking───传导烹饪
9、conduction bands───[电子]导带,传导带;导电带
meaning of conduction(双语使用场景)
1、Based on the heat conduction principle, the meaning of enterprise risk conduction is defined which includes enterprise internal conduction and external conduction.───基于热传导原理,界定了企业风险传导涵义,包括企业内部风险传导和企业间风险传导。
2、The conduction on the thematic meaning expression and emotional color of space is an indispensable part of the Architecture theory.───对于空间主题意义表达和情感色彩的关注是建筑理论不可缺少的一部分。
3、Objective to discuss the electrocardiogram characteristics and clinical meaning of untypical Wenckebach's phenomenon in atrioventricular conduction.───目的探讨房室传导不典型文氏现象的心电图特点及临床意义。