1、Designing New Engineering Economics System for Engineering Master───为工程硕士设计新工程经济学体系
2、Moreover, it also includes hydraulic engineering economics calculation and evaluation, and water resources and hydropower calculation of reservoir groups.───此外,二者交融部分内容有水利水电工程经济计算与评价、水库群的水利水能计算。
3、The Content and Special Problems of the Software Engineering Economics───软件工程经济学的研究内容和特殊性问题
4、During the period of school study the main course has engineering economics, economic mathematics, engineering cost.───在校期间学习的主要课程有工程经济学、经济数学、工程造价。
5、Engineering economics, transportation and traffic accident claims.───工程经济学,交通运输,交通事故理赔。
6、This paper intended to analyze the innovation mechanism of open source community in view of system engineering, economics and ecology.───从XiTong工程、经济学和生态学的角度分析了开源软件社区的内在创新机理。
7、Geology-engineering-economics Synergy Application in Complex Fault Block in Reservoir Development───多学科协同化方法在复杂断块油藏开发调整方案中的应用
8、The top 5 are as follows: business management, electronic and information engineering, economics, machinery and foreign languages.───工商管理类、电子信息类、经济学类、机械类和外语类占据了榜单前五。
engineering economics(意思翻译)
engineering economics(相似词语短语)
1、managerial economics───[经]管理经济学
2、normative economics───[经]规范经济学
4、applied economics───n.[经]应用经济学;实用经济学
5、keynesian economics───凯恩斯主义经济学;[经]凯恩斯经济学;凯恩斯学派;凯恩斯经济学,凯恩斯派经济学,凯恩斯学派经济学
6、msc economics───经济学理学硕士
7、cogs economics───cogs经济学
8、home economics───n.家政学
9、agglomeration economics───n.集聚经济
engineering economics(双语使用场景)
1、Designing New Engineering Economics System for Engineering Master───为工程硕士设计新工程经济学体系
2、Moreover, it also includes hydraulic engineering economics calculation and evaluation, and water resources and hydropower calculation of reservoir groups.───此外,二者交融部分内容有水利水电工程经济计算与评价、水库群的水利水能计算。
3、The Content and Special Problems of the Software Engineering Economics───软件工程经济学的研究内容和特殊性问题
4、During the period of school study the main course has engineering economics, economic mathematics, engineering cost.───在校期间学习的主要课程有工程经济学、经济数学、工程造价。
5、Engineering economics, transportation and traffic accident claims.───工程经济学,交通运输,交通事故理赔。
6、This paper intended to analyze the innovation mechanism of open source community in view of system engineering, economics and ecology.───从XiTong工程、经济学和生态学的角度分析了开源软件社区的内在创新机理。
7、Geology-engineering-economics Synergy Application in Complex Fault Block in Reservoir Development───多学科协同化方法在复杂断块油藏开发调整方案中的应用
8、The top 5 are as follows: business management, electronic and information engineering, economics, machinery and foreign languages.───工商管理类、电子信息类、经济学类、机械类和外语类占据了榜单前五。