1、two disadvantages in adaptive beam forming in the presence of main lobe interference, one is heightening of side-lobe level, the other is distortion and peak offset of main beam.───在自适应波束形成技术抑制干扰问题中,当存在主瓣干扰时,便暴露出两个缺陷:一是副瓣电平增高;
2、The result shows that this method can get rid of the short-circuit peak pulse nicely, and the waveform distortion is really small.───结果表明,该方法很好地滤除短路尖峰脉冲,波形失真甚小。
3、The OFDM system has a major disadvantage that high peak to average power ratio (PAPR) can cause nonlinear distortion in the high power amplifier (HPA).───OFDMXiTong的一个主要缺陷就是峰平比过高引起的高功率放大器(HPA)的非线性失真。
peak distortion(意思翻译)
peak distortion(相似词语短语)
1、distortion octane───畸变辛烷值
3、harmonic distortion───[电子]谐波失真;谐波畸变[失真]; 非曲线畸变
5、PEAK METER───峰值电度表;峰值计,巅值电度表
6、abnormity peak───异常峰
7、distortion pedal───变形踏板
8、aerie peak───鹰巢山
9、peak amplitude───[物]峰值振幅
peak distortion(双语使用场景)
1、two disadvantages in adaptive beam forming in the presence of main lobe interference, one is heightening of side-lobe level, the other is distortion and peak offset of main beam.───在自适应波束形成技术抑制干扰问题中,当存在主瓣干扰时,便暴露出两个缺陷:一是副瓣电平增高;
2、The result shows that this method can get rid of the short-circuit peak pulse nicely, and the waveform distortion is really small.───结果表明,该方法很好地滤除短路尖峰脉冲,波形失真甚小。
3、The OFDM system has a major disadvantage that high peak to average power ratio (PAPR) can cause nonlinear distortion in the high power amplifier (HPA).───OFDMXiTong的一个主要缺陷就是峰平比过高引起的高功率放大器(HPA)的非线性失真。