1、She wrote how the survivors huddled in the bottom of the boat to keep warm until they were rescued two hours after the sinking by the ship Carpathia.───她写到幸存者都蜷缩在船底部来取暖,直到在船沉没后两小时他们获救为止。
2、One of the dogs on board towed a lifeboat to the Carpathia, announcing their arrival with his barking───其中一只狗拖着一艘救生艇到卡帕西亚号去,并以吠声宣告他们的到来
3、Carpathia awaits the arrival of what could be the last transporter from Earth.───柏菲亚星球的人们等着看最后一个地球运输船会带来什么。
4、Later we see Rose huddled on the deck of the Carpathia───过后我们看到露丝蜷缩在卡帕西亚号上
5、Members of the press interview Titanic survivors coming off the rescue ship, The Carpathia, May 17, 1912.───1912年5月17日,媒体人员采访从救生船上下来的泰坦尼克号幸存者。
6、People stand on the street during Titanic disaster, awaiting the arrival of the Carpathia.───在泰坦尼克号海难发生后人们站在街上等待卡帕西亚号返航。
7、It was a bitterly cold night and eventually we were picked up by the Carpathia.───那是个寒冷的夜晚,最后我们被卡帕西亚号打捞了上来。
8、He was in the harbor, on a tugboat, when the Carpathia sliced through the fog.───当卡帕提亚号冒着烟雾前行时,他正在海港的一艘拖船里。
1、When Carpathia walks around clouding men's minds and portending dark futures, it is impossible not to think of Darth Vader.
1、carpet cleaner───地毯清洁剂
2、counterscarp fortress───反鲤要塞
3、angiocarpy management───血管硬化处理
4、cacoethes carpendi───卡彭迪仙人掌
5、carpology of orchids───兰花果树学
6、metacarpals and phalanges───掌骨和指骨
7、fosters carpet cleaning───促进地毯清洁
8、pericarp cells───果皮细胞
9、carpenters block mod───木匠木块模型
10、cremocarp britannica───大英栎
1、She wrote how the survivors huddled in the bottom of the boat to keep warm until they were rescued two hours after the sinking by the ship Carpathia.───她写到幸存者都蜷缩在船底部来取暖,直到在船沉没后两小时他们获救为止。
2、One of the dogs on board towed a lifeboat to the Carpathia, announcing their arrival with his barking───其中一只狗拖着一艘救生艇到卡帕西亚号去,并以吠声宣告他们的到来
3、Carpathia awaits the arrival of what could be the last transporter from Earth.───柏菲亚星球的人们等着看最后一个地球运输船会带来什么。
4、Later we see Rose huddled on the deck of the Carpathia───过后我们看到露丝蜷缩在卡帕西亚号上
5、Members of the press interview Titanic survivors coming off the rescue ship, The Carpathia, May 17, 1912.───1912年5月17日,媒体人员采访从救生船上下来的泰坦尼克号幸存者。
6、People stand on the street during Titanic disaster, awaiting the arrival of the Carpathia.───在泰坦尼克号海难发生后人们站在街上等待卡帕西亚号返航。
7、It was a bitterly cold night and eventually we were picked up by the Carpathia.───那是个寒冷的夜晚,最后我们被卡帕西亚号打捞了上来。
8、He was in the harbor, on a tugboat, when the Carpathia sliced through the fog.───当卡帕提亚号冒着烟雾前行时,他正在海港的一艘拖船里。
1、When Carpathia walks around clouding men's minds and portending dark futures, it is impossible not to think of Darth Vader.