1、She wrote in an original and highly erudite style.───她的写作风格具原创性且十分博学。
2、You can maintain a clever, astute and erudite persona whether you're adolescent or octogenarian.───不管你是青少年还是个八旬老人,你都可以持续你的聪明、机敏和博学。
3、You may read scores of erudite tomes on psychology without coming across a statement more significant for you and for me.───可能你已阅读过许多深奥的心理书籍,而尚未意识到有这样重要的一句话。
4、He was never dull, always erudite and well informed.───他从来都不愚笨,而且一直是那么博学多识。
5、New England authors, though often erudite men, were not always acquainted with the work of English contemporaries.───新英格兰的作家,虽然不乏博学之士,却不尽熟悉当代的英国作品。
6、Even the most erudite native speaker does not know the meaning of every word.───就算最博学的母语使用者也不可能知道每个字的意思。
7、The Tea Party would have found a kindred spirit in Hayek -- and indeed , its more erudite members refer to him often .───茶党或许会在哈耶克的观点中找到类似的精神——事实上,那些博学的茶党成员也经常提及哈耶克。
8、All this Mr Starr relates in an erudite but lively style that happily stops this long book from becoming indigestible.───斯塔先生在讲述所有这些事情时采用了一种渊博而又不失生动的风格,从而很好地避免了这部大书变得晦涩。
9、It took a practiced eye to spot the difference. He was very erudite. His eyes had a wild look in hunger for truth.───他很博学,他的目光里又一种强烈的渴望精神,视乎没有什么能满足他对真理的渴求。
1、Among themselves, ecclesiastics have become eminently sophisticated and erudite.
2、She could turn any conversation into an erudite discussion.
3、He's erudite, enormously warm and most of all, a golfer.
4、Privately, Diamandopoulos, as mercurial as he is erudite, is said to have blown up at critics.
5、His guttural utterances are accompanied by erudite subtitles.
6、He's the author of an erudite book on Scottish history.
7、The Cunning Man is an intricate and erudite work.
8、Amoda was an erudite man who insisted on fine distinctions.
9、He was never dull, always erudite and well informed.
1、She wrote in an original and highly erudite style.───她的写作风格具原创性且十分博学。
2、You can maintain a clever, astute and erudite persona whether you're adolescent or octogenarian.───不管你是青少年还是个八旬老人,你都可以持续你的聪明、机敏和博学。
3、You may read scores of erudite tomes on psychology without coming across a statement more significant for you and for me.───可能你已阅读过许多深奥的心理书籍,而尚未意识到有这样重要的一句话。
4、He was never dull, always erudite and well informed.───他从来都不愚笨,而且一直是那么博学多识。
5、New England authors, though often erudite men, were not always acquainted with the work of English contemporaries.───新英格兰的作家,虽然不乏博学之士,却不尽熟悉当代的英国作品。
6、Even the most erudite native speaker does not know the meaning of every word.───就算最博学的母语使用者也不可能知道每个字的意思。
7、The Tea Party would have found a kindred spirit in Hayek -- and indeed , its more erudite members refer to him often .───茶党或许会在哈耶克的观点中找到类似的精神——事实上,那些博学的茶党成员也经常提及哈耶克。
8、All this Mr Starr relates in an erudite but lively style that happily stops this long book from becoming indigestible.───斯塔先生在讲述所有这些事情时采用了一种渊博而又不失生动的风格,从而很好地避免了这部大书变得晦涩。
9、It took a practiced eye to spot the difference. He was very erudite. His eyes had a wild look in hunger for truth.───他很博学,他的目光里又一种强烈的渴望精神,视乎没有什么能满足他对真理的渴求。
1、Among themselves, ecclesiastics have become eminently sophisticated and erudite.
2、She could turn any conversation into an erudite discussion.
3、He's erudite, enormously warm and most of all, a golfer.
4、Privately, Diamandopoulos, as mercurial as he is erudite, is said to have blown up at critics.
5、His guttural utterances are accompanied by erudite subtitles.
6、He's the author of an erudite book on Scottish history.
7、The Cunning Man is an intricate and erudite work.
8、Amoda was an erudite man who insisted on fine distinctions.
9、He was never dull, always erudite and well informed.