1、JOHN: Yes. We will apply for your health insurance tomorrow. And your free membership in the club starts today if you like.───约翰:是的。我们明天会帮你申请健康保险。如果你喜欢,你今天就能成为免费的会员。
2、Yes. I'm not one of those who says one thing today and another thing tomorrow.───是的。我不是那种今天说一个样,明天又说另一个样的人。
3、Yes, it's a wonderfully reliable test I'll test you today; I'll test you tomorrow; I'll test you next year; I'll test you the day you die; I'll get the same IQ score? Is it a valid test?───是的,这是个非常可靠的测试,今天测试,明天再测试,明年再测,到你死的那天再测,得出的你的智商都还是一样,但这是个有效测试吗?
yes today tomorrow(意思翻译)
yes today tomorrow(相似词语短语)
1、today is not easy tomorrow───今天明天不容易
2、due tomorrow do tomorrow───明天到期明天做什么
3、tomorrow send───明天发送
4、yes tomorrow───是的,明天
5、every tomorrow───每一个明天
6、tomorrow afternoon───明天下午
8、die tomorrow───明天就死吧
yes today tomorrow(双语使用场景)
1、JOHN: Yes. We will apply for your health insurance tomorrow. And your free membership in the club starts today if you like.───约翰:是的。我们明天会帮你申请健康保险。如果你喜欢,你今天就能成为免费的会员。
2、Yes. I'm not one of those who says one thing today and another thing tomorrow.───是的。我不是那种今天说一个样,明天又说另一个样的人。
3、Yes, it's a wonderfully reliable test I'll test you today; I'll test you tomorrow; I'll test you next year; I'll test you the day you die; I'll get the same IQ score? Is it a valid test?───是的,这是个非常可靠的测试,今天测试,明天再测试,明年再测,到你死的那天再测,得出的你的智商都还是一样,但这是个有效测试吗?