1、Madoff's death "is a tragic development and my sympathy goes out to Mark Madoff's family, " Picard said in an e-mailed statement yesterday.───麦道夫的死“是一个悲惨的结局,我很同情麦道夫的家人”皮卡德在昨天一份电子邮件声明。
2、Poland in the 1960s, according to a Polish woman who e-mailed me, the authorities introduced the Hitchhiker's Booklet.───据一位波兰妇女给我发电子邮件说,在20世纪60年代的波兰,“当局介绍了《搭便车者手册》。”
3、The day before the appointment, the massage firm e-mailed her to say it had gone bust.───在预约日的前一天,按摩公司发邮件给她说公司破产了。
4、Then a friend to whom I'd recently shown a new piece of writing that means a great deal to me e-mailed to say that it didn't quite work.───接着,我收到了一个朋友的电子邮件,说我最近写的一篇文章不太合用。
5、Renren values corporate governance and transparency, a spokeswoman for the company said in an e-mailed statement.───公司的一位女发言人在电子邮件中表示人人网很重视团体管理和透明度。
6、The comments were "offensive, highly unprofessional and do not reflect industry practices, " Morgan Stanley said in an e- mailed statement.───“这种攻击性的言论有违行业道德标准”摩根士丹利在一份电子邮件声明。
7、Asked what's on his iPad, Flake e-mailed: I have a 'notepad' app that I checked the other day.───当问到他的 iPad 中有什么时,Flake 在电子邮件中说:“WoRi前装了一款'记事本'的应用程序。”
8、One of the psychology professors E-mailed back a lengthy response, with an invitation to come in and chat.───一位心理学教授回了一封很长的信,并邀请他过去谈谈。
9、Jamie e-mailed me to say he couldn't come.───杰米给我发了一封电子邮件说他不能来了。
1、The American Petroleum Institute said in an e-mailed response that federal offshore drilling rules are already cutting down on the emissions tallied by the government.
2、In July, the Defense Department e-mailed a Don't Ask, Don't Tell opinion survey to four hundred thousand service members.
3、GSR Ventures III will invest in China's technology-related sectors including the Internet, wireless, green technology and semiconductors, it said in an e-mailed statement.
4、Ailing lenders should first seek funding from their shareholders and the markets before seeking help from national rescue funds, Rehn said in an e-mailed copy of a speech given in Pori, Finland.
5、Patrick e-mailed me yesterday.
6、Jamie e-mailed me to say he couldn't come.
7、Tench wrote that the judge had e-mailed him to confirm he had guessed the secret code right.
8、GE e-mailed investors to say that in the unexpected event that GE Capital requires additional equity, we have a number of options to satisfy that need without seeking external capital.
9、As anyone who has bought anything from an infomercial knows, the sales-job is always better than the product, '' Bounds said in a statement e-mailed to reporters.
1、mailed himself to freedom───把自己邮寄到自由
2、mailed ges───邮寄ges
3、mailed eip───已邮寄的eip
4、e you can e───你可以
5、f e e───vt.付费给……;n.(Fee)人名;(英、柬)菲;n.费用;酬金;小费
6、E e───端对端;abbr.早期英语 (Early English);电子工程师 (Electronic Engineers);东欧 (East Europe);职业介绍所 (Employment Exchange)
7、mailed tasks───邮寄任务
8、mailed bed───邮寄床
1、Madoff's death "is a tragic development and my sympathy goes out to Mark Madoff's family, " Picard said in an e-mailed statement yesterday.───麦道夫的死“是一个悲惨的结局,我很同情麦道夫的家人”皮卡德在昨天一份电子邮件声明。
2、Poland in the 1960s, according to a Polish woman who e-mailed me, the authorities introduced the Hitchhiker's Booklet.───据一位波兰妇女给我发电子邮件说,在20世纪60年代的波兰,“当局介绍了《搭便车者手册》。”
3、The day before the appointment, the massage firm e-mailed her to say it had gone bust.───在预约日的前一天,按摩公司发邮件给她说公司破产了。
4、Then a friend to whom I'd recently shown a new piece of writing that means a great deal to me e-mailed to say that it didn't quite work.───接着,我收到了一个朋友的电子邮件,说我最近写的一篇文章不太合用。
5、Renren values corporate governance and transparency, a spokeswoman for the company said in an e-mailed statement.───公司的一位女发言人在电子邮件中表示人人网很重视团体管理和透明度。
6、The comments were "offensive, highly unprofessional and do not reflect industry practices, " Morgan Stanley said in an e- mailed statement.───“这种攻击性的言论有违行业道德标准”摩根士丹利在一份电子邮件声明。
7、Asked what's on his iPad, Flake e-mailed: I have a 'notepad' app that I checked the other day.───当问到他的 iPad 中有什么时,Flake 在电子邮件中说:“WoRi前装了一款'记事本'的应用程序。”
8、One of the psychology professors E-mailed back a lengthy response, with an invitation to come in and chat.───一位心理学教授回了一封很长的信,并邀请他过去谈谈。
9、Jamie e-mailed me to say he couldn't come.───杰米给我发了一封电子邮件说他不能来了。
1、The American Petroleum Institute said in an e-mailed response that federal offshore drilling rules are already cutting down on the emissions tallied by the government.
2、In July, the Defense Department e-mailed a Don't Ask, Don't Tell opinion survey to four hundred thousand service members.
3、GSR Ventures III will invest in China's technology-related sectors including the Internet, wireless, green technology and semiconductors, it said in an e-mailed statement.
4、Ailing lenders should first seek funding from their shareholders and the markets before seeking help from national rescue funds, Rehn said in an e-mailed copy of a speech given in Pori, Finland.
5、Patrick e-mailed me yesterday.
6、Jamie e-mailed me to say he couldn't come.
7、Tench wrote that the judge had e-mailed him to confirm he had guessed the secret code right.
8、GE e-mailed investors to say that in the unexpected event that GE Capital requires additional equity, we have a number of options to satisfy that need without seeking external capital.
9、As anyone who has bought anything from an infomercial knows, the sales-job is always better than the product, '' Bounds said in a statement e-mailed to reporters.