1、Aesthetic love, staged in the bleak life.───唯美的爱情、在惨淡的生活中上演。
2、This love is regrettable, and also mixed with regret for the aesthetic.───这样的爱情是遗憾的,而遗憾中亦夹杂着等待的美感。
3、And so, I would argue to you that Salinger imagines literature as a performance of this kind, a performance of a language of family love that is nevertheless also an aesthetic language.───所以,我认为Salinger想象的文学,作为这种家庭里爱的语言的表现,那至少也是充满美感的语言。
aesthetic love(意思翻译)
aesthetic love(相似词语短语)
1、aesthetic names───美学名称
2、aesthetic usernames───美观的用户名
3、aesthetic symbols───审美符号
4、aesthetic pictures───唯美的画面
5、aesthetic emojis───审美情感
6、aesthetic background───审美背景
7、aesthetic quality───美感质素;感官质量
8、aesthetic wallpaper───雅致的墙纸
aesthetic love(双语使用场景)
1、Aesthetic love, staged in the bleak life.───唯美的爱情、在惨淡的生活中上演。
2、This love is regrettable, and also mixed with regret for the aesthetic.───这样的爱情是遗憾的,而遗憾中亦夹杂着等待的美感。
3、And so, I would argue to you that Salinger imagines literature as a performance of this kind, a performance of a language of family love that is nevertheless also an aesthetic language.───所以,我认为Salinger想象的文学,作为这种家庭里爱的语言的表现,那至少也是充满美感的语言。