1、A weak government in Somalia is unable to restrain pirate gangs, he said, and ship owners are paying huge ransoms.───他说,脆弱的索马里政府无力约束海盗集团,而船东们正在支付巨额赎金。
2、Another challenge for the United States, the report says, was to persuade foreign governments to "stop paying ransoms . "───报告说,美国的另一个挑战是劝说外国政府“停止支付赎金”。
3、Chief among the crimes to finance terrorism is kidnapping in return for extremely high ransoms.───以资助恐怖活动为目的的犯罪行为主要是绑架人质以索取极高额赎金。
4、Ransoms of up to $3m make it an attractive profession. Money earned can go towards buying faster boats and fancier navigation equipment.───高达三百万的赎金也使海盗事业一本万利,获利后还可以投资购买更快速的海盗船和更先进的导航设备。
5、Some reckon that the Shabab shares some of the ransoms earned by pirates who operate out of the central Somali port of Haradheere.───有些人猜测青年党和在索马里中部的哈拉尔代雷港口外活跃的海盗有分赃关系。
6、As ransoms go up and get paid, pirates will think it worth taking the risk.───伴随着赎金的提高和获赎,海盗认为这个风险是值得冒的。
7、Outlawing ransoms is neither feasible nor in the hostages' interests.───取缔赎金不但不可行,对人质来说也很不利。
8、There were rumours of prisoner exchanges, ransoms and renewed rescue operations.───其间有传闻交换囚犯,赎买人质和重新展开营救行动。
9、The men are tortured, the women raped and ransoms demanded from relatives in the United States.───男人遭酷刑折磨,妇女亦遭QiangJian,要求他们在美国的亲戚寄来赎金。
1、I was afraid ... I begged my father to leave one of my brothers as castellan, but none of them wished to miss the glory and ransoms to be won in the south.
2、Finally, and most risky, there was the possibility of ransoms.
3、But dead men paid no ransoms.
4、Murder plots, for instance, and kidnapping schemes for giant ransoms.
5、Ransoms paid to Somali pirates totaled $238 million in 2010 — the worst year for piracy on record, according to the International Chamber of Commerce.
3、Sansom───n.桑塞姆 (Samson)
1、A weak government in Somalia is unable to restrain pirate gangs, he said, and ship owners are paying huge ransoms.───他说,脆弱的索马里政府无力约束海盗集团,而船东们正在支付巨额赎金。
2、Another challenge for the United States, the report says, was to persuade foreign governments to "stop paying ransoms . "───报告说,美国的另一个挑战是劝说外国政府“停止支付赎金”。
3、Chief among the crimes to finance terrorism is kidnapping in return for extremely high ransoms.───以资助恐怖活动为目的的犯罪行为主要是绑架人质以索取极高额赎金。
4、Ransoms of up to $3m make it an attractive profession. Money earned can go towards buying faster boats and fancier navigation equipment.───高达三百万的赎金也使海盗事业一本万利,获利后还可以投资购买更快速的海盗船和更先进的导航设备。
5、Some reckon that the Shabab shares some of the ransoms earned by pirates who operate out of the central Somali port of Haradheere.───有些人猜测青年党和在索马里中部的哈拉尔代雷港口外活跃的海盗有分赃关系。
6、As ransoms go up and get paid, pirates will think it worth taking the risk.───伴随着赎金的提高和获赎,海盗认为这个风险是值得冒的。
7、Outlawing ransoms is neither feasible nor in the hostages' interests.───取缔赎金不但不可行,对人质来说也很不利。
8、There were rumours of prisoner exchanges, ransoms and renewed rescue operations.───其间有传闻交换囚犯,赎买人质和重新展开营救行动。
9、The men are tortured, the women raped and ransoms demanded from relatives in the United States.───男人遭酷刑折磨,妇女亦遭QiangJian,要求他们在美国的亲戚寄来赎金。
1、I was afraid ... I begged my father to leave one of my brothers as castellan, but none of them wished to miss the glory and ransoms to be won in the south.
2、Finally, and most risky, there was the possibility of ransoms.
3、But dead men paid no ransoms.
4、Murder plots, for instance, and kidnapping schemes for giant ransoms.
5、Ransoms paid to Somali pirates totaled $238 million in 2010 — the worst year for piracy on record, according to the International Chamber of Commerce.