1、I think of technical interviews as the kind where you go into a room with an interviewer and solve problems on the whiteboard for an hour.───我认为技术面试是这样的一种形式,与面试官一同进入一个房间,再花上一个钟的时间在白板上解决问题。
2、If you want to scream and shout and be angry, go into a room, shout, be angry, beat the pillow.───如果你要大喊大叫、要生气,到房间里面去喊、发泄愤怒、打枕头。
3、into a room, release the negative; there is no need to throw it on the other person.───到房间里面释放你的负面能量,不需要把它丢到对方身上。
4、He asked me to go into a room, had me lie down on a bed, and went to work.───他叫我走进一个房间,让我躺在床上,然后开始工作。
5、Two men go into a room and one comes out, claiming to have been defending himself.───两名男子进了一个房间,只有其中一人出来,声称他是自卫。
go into a room(英语使用场景)
1、If you go into a room and you don't know anybody...once you start talking to a few people, now all of sudden you come in and it's a whole new ballgame.
go into a room(意思翻译)
go into a room(相似词语短语)
1、go into───进入; 从事; 进入(某种状态); 调查;进入;加入;变得;探究
2、go down into───走向……;进入……
3、go into detail───详述,详细叙述;详述,逐一细说
4、go far into───深入
5、a go go───n.(Agogo)(加)艾哥戈(人名);n.(非洲及拉丁音乐中的)阿戈戈铃
6、go into effect───生效; 施行
7、go into space───进入太空
8、into a───变成一个
9、go into hiding───v.躲藏起来; 潜匿; 匿迹; 藏踪
go into a room(双语使用场景)
1、I think of technical interviews as the kind where you go into a room with an interviewer and solve problems on the whiteboard for an hour.───我认为技术面试是这样的一种形式,与面试官一同进入一个房间,再花上一个钟的时间在白板上解决问题。
2、If you want to scream and shout and be angry, go into a room, shout, be angry, beat the pillow.───如果你要大喊大叫、要生气,到房间里面去喊、发泄愤怒、打枕头。
3、into a room, release the negative; there is no need to throw it on the other person.───到房间里面释放你的负面能量,不需要把它丢到对方身上。
4、He asked me to go into a room, had me lie down on a bed, and went to work.───他叫我走进一个房间,让我躺在床上,然后开始工作。
5、Two men go into a room and one comes out, claiming to have been defending himself.───两名男子进了一个房间,只有其中一人出来,声称他是自卫。
go into a room(英语使用场景)
1、If you go into a room and you don't know anybody...once you start talking to a few people, now all of sudden you come in and it's a whole new ballgame.