1、If there are an odd number of miners, then the core is empty.───如果有奇数个挖矿者,那么中心为空。
2、Even if von Neumann and Morgenstern considered it an interesting concept, they only worked with zero-sum games where the core is always empty.───虽然von Neumann和Morgenstern觉得那是个有趣的概念,他们只研究了总和为零中心为空的博弈。
3、Applied Architectural Technology of Small Concrete Building Block with Empty Core───混凝土小型空心砌块建筑应用技术
4、The Bondareva-Shapley theorem:The core of the game is non-empty if and only if the game is balanced (Bondareva 1963, Shapley 1967).───Bondareva-Shapley定理:只有而且仅有当博弈是平衡的时候,中心才非空。
5、Application study on new procedure of using coal waste to make multi - hole brick and empty - core brick───煤矸石烧结多孔砖、空心砖新工艺应用研究
empty core(意思翻译)
empty core(相似词语短语)
2、er empty───er空
4、param empty───参数为空
5、empty tray───空托盘
6、empty bowl───空碗
7、empty seats───空座位
8、empty shops───空荡荡的商店
9、So empty───如此空虚
empty core(双语使用场景)
1、If there are an odd number of miners, then the core is empty.───如果有奇数个挖矿者,那么中心为空。
2、Even if von Neumann and Morgenstern considered it an interesting concept, they only worked with zero-sum games where the core is always empty.───虽然von Neumann和Morgenstern觉得那是个有趣的概念,他们只研究了总和为零中心为空的博弈。
3、Applied Architectural Technology of Small Concrete Building Block with Empty Core───混凝土小型空心砌块建筑应用技术
4、The Bondareva-Shapley theorem:The core of the game is non-empty if and only if the game is balanced (Bondareva 1963, Shapley 1967).───Bondareva-Shapley定理:只有而且仅有当博弈是平衡的时候,中心才非空。
5、Application study on new procedure of using coal waste to make multi - hole brick and empty - core brick───煤矸石烧结多孔砖、空心砖新工艺应用研究