1、present invention provides a thermoelectric conversion module and a thermoelectric power generation system.───发明提供一种热电转换模块以及热电转换XiTong。
2、The results indicate that the mini thermoelectric heat pump-PCM thermal control system can provide effective thermal control of high power spacecraft electronics.───结果表明,采用该热控XiTong对航天器短时大功率组件进行温度控制是可行的。
3、This thesis does some corresponding researches and application works for the Tracking-Control System, the Thermoelectric Converter, the Electric Power Transducer and the AC Stabilizer of the system.───本文主要针对碟式太阳能热动力发电XiTong中的跟踪控制XiTong、热电转换装置、电力变换装置和交流稳压装置做了一些相应的研究和应用工作。
thermoelectric power system(意思翻译)
thermoelectric power system(相似词语短语)
1、check system power error───电源XiTong错误检查
2、explanatory power───解释力;解释功效
4、emergency power───紧急电源,应急电源;紧急备用动力;应急能力
5、bismuthene thermoelectric───铋热电
6、power school───动力学校
7、power train───传动系;动力传动系;动力传动机构
8、exo power───外部电源
thermoelectric power system(双语使用场景)
1、present invention provides a thermoelectric conversion module and a thermoelectric power generation system.───发明提供一种热电转换模块以及热电转换XiTong。
2、The results indicate that the mini thermoelectric heat pump-PCM thermal control system can provide effective thermal control of high power spacecraft electronics.───结果表明,采用该热控XiTong对航天器短时大功率组件进行温度控制是可行的。
3、This thesis does some corresponding researches and application works for the Tracking-Control System, the Thermoelectric Converter, the Electric Power Transducer and the AC Stabilizer of the system.───本文主要针对碟式太阳能热动力发电XiTong中的跟踪控制XiTong、热电转换装置、电力变换装置和交流稳压装置做了一些相应的研究和应用工作。