1、The paper introduces application of STD Bus microcomputer in detection system for temperature of axle by using infrared sensor, and gives the system block diagram of hardware and software.───本文介绍了STD总线在红外轴温检测XiTong中的应用情况,给出了红外轴温检测XiTong的硬件组成和软件的设计框图。
2、Development of Half Axle Block Used for Ultrasonic Testing of Wheelset in Rolling Stocks───铁道车辆轮对ChaoShengBo探伤半轴试块的研制
3、The steel axle of this kind of pig can bend under greater thrust force, it is helpful to pass through elbow or the section of converting pipe, so it can avoid efficiently block accident.───该清管器的钢轴能在较大推力作用下发生弯曲变形,有利于通过弯头或变形管段,可有效避免堵卡事故的发生。
4、This is the condition that the front left and center axle right wheels are lowered and the rear right wheel gets on the block.───这是一个条件,即左前方和中心轴右车轮降低和右后轮轮得到的该区块。
axle block(意思翻译)
axle block(相似词语短语)
1、axle adventures───车轴冒险
2、axle surgeon───车轴外科医生
3、axle lock───轴锁
5、axle grease───车轴滑脂,车轴润滑脂;[车辆]车轴滑脂;[车辆]轴润滑脂
6、axle videos───车轴视频
8、axle shows───车轴显示
9、axle oil───轮轴润滑油;轴用(润滑)油
axle block(双语使用场景)
1、The paper introduces application of STD Bus microcomputer in detection system for temperature of axle by using infrared sensor, and gives the system block diagram of hardware and software.───本文介绍了STD总线在红外轴温检测XiTong中的应用情况,给出了红外轴温检测XiTong的硬件组成和软件的设计框图。
2、Development of Half Axle Block Used for Ultrasonic Testing of Wheelset in Rolling Stocks───铁道车辆轮对ChaoShengBo探伤半轴试块的研制
3、The steel axle of this kind of pig can bend under greater thrust force, it is helpful to pass through elbow or the section of converting pipe, so it can avoid efficiently block accident.───该清管器的钢轴能在较大推力作用下发生弯曲变形,有利于通过弯头或变形管段,可有效避免堵卡事故的发生。
4、This is the condition that the front left and center axle right wheels are lowered and the rear right wheel gets on the block.───这是一个条件,即左前方和中心轴右车轮降低和右后轮轮得到的该区块。