1、as we slog through an extended period of ten-percent unemployment with no end in sight, it also appears to be among the most prescient.───当我们在高达10%的失业率中长久、艰难地行进而看不到结束之日时,这篇文章就显得非常有先见之明了。
2、In the end, I send them out with a long shopping list, set the timer on my phone to go off in ten minutes and drag Colin upstairs.───最后我开了个长长的购物单才把她们打发出门。然后用手机定了个十分钟的闹钟,拉起科林就上楼。
3、In my experience, nine times out of ten, they’ll end up following you.───根据我的经验, 10分之9的人会结束关注你。
in ten end(意思翻译)
in ten end(相似词语短语)
1、end in failure───n.以失败告终
2、in ten years───十年后;十年间
3、in ten house───在十户人家里
4、ten───adj.十的;num.十个,十;n. (Ten)(美、俄、加、德、荷、西、英)登(人名)
5、in ten minutes───十分钟后
6、ten past ten───十点十分
7、end for end───对调两端位置地;两端的位置颠倒过来;反过来,颠倒; 调个头
8、ten end───十结束
9、ten ten───1010
in ten end(双语使用场景)
1、as we slog through an extended period of ten-percent unemployment with no end in sight, it also appears to be among the most prescient.───当我们在高达10%的失业率中长久、艰难地行进而看不到结束之日时,这篇文章就显得非常有先见之明了。
2、In the end, I send them out with a long shopping list, set the timer on my phone to go off in ten minutes and drag Colin upstairs.───最后我开了个长长的购物单才把她们打发出门。然后用手机定了个十分钟的闹钟,拉起科林就上楼。
3、In my experience, nine times out of ten, they’ll end up following you.───根据我的经验, 10分之9的人会结束关注你。