2、Research on Phase Compensating Factors in Chirp Scaling Algorithm───算法中的相位补偿因子研究
3、Application of nonlinear Chirp Scaling in airborne SAR imaging───在机载SAR成像中的应用
4、Then three spotlight mode SAR imaging algorithms are discussed and compared, including polar format (PF) algorithm, chirp scaling (CS) algorithm and range migration (rm) algorithm.───然后重点对三种聚束式SAR成像算法进行了讨论与比较,包括极坐标格式(PF)算法、线性调频测绘(CS)算法和距离走动(RM)算法。
5、An Extended Chirp Scaling Algorithm for Airborne Squint SAR Processing───一种适于机载前斜视SAR成象处理的ChirpScaling算法
6、Chirp Scaling Algorithm and its simulation───成像算法及其FangZhen
chirp scaling(意思翻译)
chirp scaling(相似词语短语)
1、scaling bias───标度偏差
2、scaling toes───按比例排列;拓展到
3、scaling calculator───比例计算器
4、scaling question───缩放问题
5、scaling up───按比例放大;按比例增加
6、scaling factor───比例因数; 换算系数; 计数递减率; 标度因子;[数]比例因子;[数]换算系数
8、fractional scaling───分数比例
9、chirp z───啁啾z
chirp scaling(双语使用场景)
1、A chirp scaling algorithm for high-resolution spotlight synthetic aperture sonar imaging───成像算法的高分辨聚束式合成孔径声呐
2、Research on Phase Compensating Factors in Chirp Scaling Algorithm───算法中的相位补偿因子研究
3、Application of nonlinear Chirp Scaling in airborne SAR imaging───在机载SAR成像中的应用
4、Then three spotlight mode SAR imaging algorithms are discussed and compared, including polar format (PF) algorithm, chirp scaling (CS) algorithm and range migration (rm) algorithm.───然后重点对三种聚束式SAR成像算法进行了讨论与比较,包括极坐标格式(PF)算法、线性调频测绘(CS)算法和距离走动(RM)算法。
5、An Extended Chirp Scaling Algorithm for Airborne Squint SAR Processing───一种适于机载前斜视SAR成象处理的ChirpScaling算法
6、Chirp Scaling Algorithm and its simulation───成像算法及其FangZhen