1、In contrast to the stacked-concrete-boxes syndrome, not one section of this residence sticks out over anything, nor jut in an odd angle.───和那些堆砌在一起的混凝土盒子对比,该建筑没有夸张的伸出的部分,也没有奇怪的角度。
2、Scanning down from the jut of my chin to the tips of my toes, I've even managed to brand my feet.───从下巴的尖端到脚趾尖扫视下来,我甚至还设法在脚上打上了烙印。
3、An aluminium iMac has been ripped out of the wall, exposing wires that jut over a keyboard and mouse.───铝外壳的iMac已离开了墙体,电线外露,下方则是键盘和鼠标。
4、The theology was complicated, despite the jut-jawed charm and aquiline intensity with which it was expressed.───神学晦涩繁杂,阐述出来的不仅仅是迷人的下巴和高隆的鹰钩鼻。
5、When the crystals do not mesh properly, the occasional atom will jut out where it should not, creating a defect to which a phage can stick.───但晶体之间若无法适当啮合,有些原子可能凸出到它原本不该出现的位置,从而成为可与病毒结合的缺陷处。
6、As the knees curve back, there's a tendency for the pelvis to push forward, the chest to collapse back, and the head to jut forward.───当膝盖向后弯时,骨盆就会有向前弯的趋势,胸部向后塌陷,头向前伸。
7、Mr. Pettazzi’s extraordinary flourish was the concrete wings that jut out a total of more than 90 feet.───先生非凡的想象力表现在那一对水泥机翼上,机翼向外突出达90英尺。
8、The crystals jut out on nanowires like thousands of small bristles and, when rubbed against each other, they bend and create electricity.───这种晶体就像纳米一样有成千的小毛,当他们之间互相摩擦的时候,产生弯曲的时候就能产生电能。
9、Give longneck. Jut your neck out ever-so-slightly.───把脖子伸长,把你的脖子稍微伸出来。
1、Tall jagged rocks jutted out over the beach.
2、The northern end of the island juts out like a long(sentencedict.com), thin finger into the sea.
3、His jaw jutted stubbornly forward; he would not be denied.
4、The climbers rested on a sheltered ledge jutting out from the cliff.
5、The pier juts into the sea.
6、The balcony juts out over the garden.
7、He jutted his chin/jaw defiantly.
8、The wall juts out here to allow room for the chimney.
1、In contrast to the stacked-concrete-boxes syndrome, not one section of this residence sticks out over anything, nor jut in an odd angle.───和那些堆砌在一起的混凝土盒子对比,该建筑没有夸张的伸出的部分,也没有奇怪的角度。
2、Scanning down from the jut of my chin to the tips of my toes, I've even managed to brand my feet.───从下巴的尖端到脚趾尖扫视下来,我甚至还设法在脚上打上了烙印。
3、An aluminium iMac has been ripped out of the wall, exposing wires that jut over a keyboard and mouse.───铝外壳的iMac已离开了墙体,电线外露,下方则是键盘和鼠标。
4、The theology was complicated, despite the jut-jawed charm and aquiline intensity with which it was expressed.───神学晦涩繁杂,阐述出来的不仅仅是迷人的下巴和高隆的鹰钩鼻。
5、When the crystals do not mesh properly, the occasional atom will jut out where it should not, creating a defect to which a phage can stick.───但晶体之间若无法适当啮合,有些原子可能凸出到它原本不该出现的位置,从而成为可与病毒结合的缺陷处。
6、As the knees curve back, there's a tendency for the pelvis to push forward, the chest to collapse back, and the head to jut forward.───当膝盖向后弯时,骨盆就会有向前弯的趋势,胸部向后塌陷,头向前伸。
7、Mr. Pettazzi’s extraordinary flourish was the concrete wings that jut out a total of more than 90 feet.───先生非凡的想象力表现在那一对水泥机翼上,机翼向外突出达90英尺。
8、The crystals jut out on nanowires like thousands of small bristles and, when rubbed against each other, they bend and create electricity.───这种晶体就像纳米一样有成千的小毛,当他们之间互相摩擦的时候,产生弯曲的时候就能产生电能。
9、Give longneck. Jut your neck out ever-so-slightly.───把脖子伸长,把你的脖子稍微伸出来。
1、Tall jagged rocks jutted out over the beach.
2、The northern end of the island juts out like a long(sentencedict.com), thin finger into the sea.
3、His jaw jutted stubbornly forward; he would not be denied.
4、The climbers rested on a sheltered ledge jutting out from the cliff.
5、The pier juts into the sea.
6、The balcony juts out over the garden.
7、He jutted his chin/jaw defiantly.
8、The wall juts out here to allow room for the chimney.
9、The land juts out into the bay.