1、implementation Status and results (ISR) report, a key tool for reporting on the implementation performance and results in Bank supported projects.───项目实施状况与成果(isr)”报告是报告世行资助项目的实施绩效和成果的一个关键性工具。截止到到2010年7月的ISR目前都通过世行外网公开发布。
2、Report editor: Uses the Eclipse BIRT (Business Intelligence Reporting Tool) plugin to create reports that show the key performance indicators.───报表编辑器 :使用Eclipse BIRT插件创建报表,展示关键性能指标。
performance reporting tool(意思翻译)
performance reporting tool(相似词语短语)
1、loss reporting───[保险]损失报告书
2、reporting in───报告
5、reporting clause───n.引述句;引出间接引语的主句
6、financial reporting───财务报表;财务申报
7、segmental reporting───分部报告
9、emergency reporting───紧急情况报告
performance reporting tool(双语使用场景)
1、implementation Status and results (ISR) report, a key tool for reporting on the implementation performance and results in Bank supported projects.───项目实施状况与成果(isr)”报告是报告世行资助项目的实施绩效和成果的一个关键性工具。截止到到2010年7月的ISR目前都通过世行外网公开发布。
2、Report editor: Uses the Eclipse BIRT (Business Intelligence Reporting Tool) plugin to create reports that show the key performance indicators.───报表编辑器 :使用Eclipse BIRT插件创建报表,展示关键性能指标。