1、It has always been a dream of mine to write Eclipse plug-ins in other languages like JavaScript, Groovy or Scala.───我一直有个梦想——使用其它语言如JavaScript、Groovy或Scala编写Eclipse插件。
2、As you can see, the plug-in life cycle for local, private plug-ins is identical to that of public plug-ins.───如您所见,本地、私有插件的生命周期和公共插件的相同。
3、Shipping with three ready-to-use plug-ins, it functions as an important part of managing and supporting a software deployment.───该工具与3个即插即用的插件一起提供,它是管理和支持软件部署的一个重要部分。
4、This opens a window of available plug-ins.───这会打开一个显示可用插件的窗口。
5、Now take all of that and wrap it up into a controlled runtime where plug-ins can come and go dynamically, and you get OSGi (basically).───现在利用所有这些插件并将其包装到受控的运行时,插件可在其中动态进出,并且您可以获得OSGi(基本上来说)。
6、Not so long ago, the industry wisdom on plug-ins was that they represented a fringe technology, too expensive for mass production.───不久前汽车产业还认为插电式混合动力车仅代表着一种边缘技术,对于量产而言则过于昂贵。
7、Setting up the development environment for Lotus Sametime plug-ins can be a tricky task, and it's easy to make a mistake.───为LotusSametime插件设置开发环境是一件困难的任务,因此很容易出错。
8、By default, only the required plug-ins are packaged.───默认情况下,只有所需的插件被打包。
9、Profiles can be deployed through plug-ins.───概要文件可以通过插件来部署。
1、In-band plug-ins can happen in two ways.
2、To see what plug-ins are installed, type about:plugins into the address window.
3、Battery and fuel costs will determine if plug-ins shoot ahead or stall out.
4、The minimal set of plug-ins needed to build a rich client application is collectively known as the Rich Client Platform.
5、For further details, see Browser Plug-ins How do I print out a paper from an electronic journal?
6、If found, the additional features and plug-ins are available in the run-time configuration or processed as new configuration changes if the link file was added after a workspace was created.
7、To see what plug-ins are already installed in Netscape, choose About Plug-ins from the Help menu.
8、Typically, you leave all the Target Platform plug-ins selected; that is, you want to use the base product and add a few plug-ins within the context of your development environment for testing.
1、plug stocktwits───插件stocktwits
2、plug dj───ChaRu式dj
3、plug stock───塞料
4、ins───abbr.惯性导航XiTong (Inertial Navigation System);国际新闻社 (International News Serv);信息网络XiTong (Information Network System)
5、car plug───汽车插头
6、ins error───adv.错误地
7、delph ins───adj.(1349年至1830年间)为法国王太子所用的;法国王储的;n.(法)德尔芬(人名)
8、dawk ins───道金斯(姓氏)
1、It has always been a dream of mine to write Eclipse plug-ins in other languages like JavaScript, Groovy or Scala.───我一直有个梦想——使用其它语言如JavaScript、Groovy或Scala编写Eclipse插件。
2、As you can see, the plug-in life cycle for local, private plug-ins is identical to that of public plug-ins.───如您所见,本地、私有插件的生命周期和公共插件的相同。
3、Shipping with three ready-to-use plug-ins, it functions as an important part of managing and supporting a software deployment.───该工具与3个即插即用的插件一起提供,它是管理和支持软件部署的一个重要部分。
4、This opens a window of available plug-ins.───这会打开一个显示可用插件的窗口。
5、Now take all of that and wrap it up into a controlled runtime where plug-ins can come and go dynamically, and you get OSGi (basically).───现在利用所有这些插件并将其包装到受控的运行时,插件可在其中动态进出,并且您可以获得OSGi(基本上来说)。
6、Not so long ago, the industry wisdom on plug-ins was that they represented a fringe technology, too expensive for mass production.───不久前汽车产业还认为插电式混合动力车仅代表着一种边缘技术,对于量产而言则过于昂贵。
7、Setting up the development environment for Lotus Sametime plug-ins can be a tricky task, and it's easy to make a mistake.───为LotusSametime插件设置开发环境是一件困难的任务,因此很容易出错。
8、By default, only the required plug-ins are packaged.───默认情况下,只有所需的插件被打包。
9、Profiles can be deployed through plug-ins.───概要文件可以通过插件来部署。
1、In-band plug-ins can happen in two ways.
2、To see what plug-ins are installed, type about:plugins into the address window.
3、Battery and fuel costs will determine if plug-ins shoot ahead or stall out.
4、The minimal set of plug-ins needed to build a rich client application is collectively known as the Rich Client Platform.
5、For further details, see Browser Plug-ins How do I print out a paper from an electronic journal?
6、If found, the additional features and plug-ins are available in the run-time configuration or processed as new configuration changes if the link file was added after a workspace was created.
7、To see what plug-ins are already installed in Netscape, choose About Plug-ins from the Help menu.
8、Typically, you leave all the Target Platform plug-ins selected; that is, you want to use the base product and add a few plug-ins within the context of your development environment for testing.
9、Through the addition of in-band plug-ins.