activation bit(意思翻译)
activation bit(相似词语短语)
1、bit backup───位备份
2、bit into───咬进;啃
3、transcriptional activation───转录激活
4、enhancer activation───增强子激活
5、bit by bit───一点儿一点儿地,逐渐地; 点点滴滴; 一点一滴;一点一点地
6、activation energyserum───活化能谱
7、fillister bit───凹形钻头
9、license activation───许可证激活
activation bit(双语使用场景)
1、ice nucleation activation bacterial canker disease decreased the content of mobile proline in poplar barks, while caused the content of bark pectin to increase a bit.───感染冰核细菌溃疡病的杨树树皮的果胶质含量比健株略高。病株树皮游离脯氨酸含量在总体水平上要低于健株。
activation bit(意思翻译)
activation bit(相似词语短语)
1、bit backup───位备份
2、bit into───咬进;啃
3、transcriptional activation───转录激活
4、enhancer activation───增强子激活
5、bit by bit───一点儿一点儿地,逐渐地; 点点滴滴; 一点一滴;一点一点地
6、activation energyserum───活化能谱
7、fillister bit───凹形钻头
9、license activation───许可证激活
activation bit(双语使用场景)
1、ice nucleation activation bacterial canker disease decreased the content of mobile proline in poplar barks, while caused the content of bark pectin to increase a bit.───感染冰核细菌溃疡病的杨树树皮的果胶质含量比健株略高。病株树皮游离脯氨酸含量在总体水平上要低于健株。