1、Before Chinese falconers can start captive breeding programs, thy must join together in some sort of organisation and share information and ideas.───中国的鹰猎者们在开始实施人工繁殖程序之前,他们必须要先联合起来,成立一个组织,共同分享信息和观点。
2、Numerous falconers have viewed a general concern that captive bred birds seem to be getting smaller.───无数的鹰猎者观察发现圈养繁殖的鸟类似乎是越养越小了。
3、Forexample, who knew that falconers and their birds of prey are some ofthe biggest clutch players of the travel world?───例如,谁会知道养鹰人和他们的猛禽是旅游界最大的捕鸟者呢?
4、This is not something I have noticed in my own birds but enough falconers have commented on this with regard to birds bought elsewhere for it to be an issue.───这一点我在我自己的鸟中并没有发现,但已经有足够多的鹰猎者就他们在别处购买的鸟在这方面进行评论,指出这已成为一个严重的问题。
5、Chinese organisation of falconers would be stronger and united when the time comes to gain recognition from the government.───中国的鹰猎者组织一旦获得政府的承认,就会发展为更强大和团结。
6、Also keep in mind that good falconers do not necessarily equate to successful raptor propagators.───同时请记住,一个好的鹰猎者并不一定要等于一个成功的猛禽繁殖者。
1、I thought the king was hunting with his greyhounds or Flemish falconers.
2、The falconers of Lancre knew a lot about birds.
3、The hawks had brought down many strange species over the centuries and the falconers had, very painstakingly, taken notes.
1、Before Chinese falconers can start captive breeding programs, thy must join together in some sort of organisation and share information and ideas.───中国的鹰猎者们在开始实施人工繁殖程序之前,他们必须要先联合起来,成立一个组织,共同分享信息和观点。
2、Numerous falconers have viewed a general concern that captive bred birds seem to be getting smaller.───无数的鹰猎者观察发现圈养繁殖的鸟类似乎是越养越小了。
3、Forexample, who knew that falconers and their birds of prey are some ofthe biggest clutch players of the travel world?───例如,谁会知道养鹰人和他们的猛禽是旅游界最大的捕鸟者呢?
4、This is not something I have noticed in my own birds but enough falconers have commented on this with regard to birds bought elsewhere for it to be an issue.───这一点我在我自己的鸟中并没有发现,但已经有足够多的鹰猎者就他们在别处购买的鸟在这方面进行评论,指出这已成为一个严重的问题。
5、Chinese organisation of falconers would be stronger and united when the time comes to gain recognition from the government.───中国的鹰猎者组织一旦获得政府的承认,就会发展为更强大和团结。
6、Also keep in mind that good falconers do not necessarily equate to successful raptor propagators.───同时请记住,一个好的鹰猎者并不一定要等于一个成功的猛禽繁殖者。
1、I thought the king was hunting with his greyhounds or Flemish falconers.
2、The falconers of Lancre knew a lot about birds.
3、The hawks had brought down many strange species over the centuries and the falconers had, very painstakingly, taken notes.