1、Cause it takes a crazy woman to love a reckless man like me───原因是需要疯狂的女人一样爱我一个鲁莽的人
2、armful of books and grin, " I'm not letting a crazy woman and a dog drive me out of my home, " he said.───不久后他却抱着一大堆书面带笑容地回来了,“我不会让一个疯女人和一条狗把我赶出家门,”他说。
3、After watching a crazy woman rushing in and out, shouting at everything in sight, I noticed that something in my mood had changed.───看着一个疯狂的女人冲进冲出,并冲着她看到的每样东西大喊大叫后,我注意到自己的情绪已不知不觉地发生了变化。
4、A crazy old woman rented the upstairs room.───一个疯老太婆租了楼上那个房间。
5、yoo - jin said a crazy woman fell in there and died───yoo-jin说有个疯婆子就栽到了那儿
6、to others, at this time I have is a hopeless woman, is a crazy woman.───在别人开来,此时的我已经是一个不可救药的女人,是一个疯了的女人。
7、But now, he was going to have a gunfight, with a woman. A crazy woman, but not crazy in the way he thought. What if he lost?───但现在,他就要跟一个女人进行枪战。她完全是个疯子,但不是他所想像的那种疯狂。如果他失败了,结果会怎样?
a crazy woman(英语使用场景)
1、She was wearing a long white gown, her hair hanging down, like a crazy woman.
a crazy woman(意思翻译)
a crazy woman(相似词语短语)
1、a woman───一个女人 (A Woman);[电影]一位女士
2、a nice woman───一个好女人
3、churching a woman───为女人做礼拜
4、is a woman───她是个女人
5、what a woman───真是个女人
6、a happy woman───快乐的女人
7、a poor woman───可怜的女人
8、A crazy day───疯狂的一天
a crazy woman(双语使用场景)
1、Cause it takes a crazy woman to love a reckless man like me───原因是需要疯狂的女人一样爱我一个鲁莽的人
2、armful of books and grin, " I'm not letting a crazy woman and a dog drive me out of my home, " he said.───不久后他却抱着一大堆书面带笑容地回来了,“我不会让一个疯女人和一条狗把我赶出家门,”他说。
3、After watching a crazy woman rushing in and out, shouting at everything in sight, I noticed that something in my mood had changed.───看着一个疯狂的女人冲进冲出,并冲着她看到的每样东西大喊大叫后,我注意到自己的情绪已不知不觉地发生了变化。
4、A crazy old woman rented the upstairs room.───一个疯老太婆租了楼上那个房间。
5、yoo - jin said a crazy woman fell in there and died───yoo-jin说有个疯婆子就栽到了那儿
6、to others, at this time I have is a hopeless woman, is a crazy woman.───在别人开来,此时的我已经是一个不可救药的女人,是一个疯了的女人。
7、But now, he was going to have a gunfight, with a woman. A crazy woman, but not crazy in the way he thought. What if he lost?───但现在,他就要跟一个女人进行枪战。她完全是个疯子,但不是他所想像的那种疯狂。如果他失败了,结果会怎样?
a crazy woman(英语使用场景)
1、She was wearing a long white gown, her hair hanging down, like a crazy woman.
2、There was a crazy woman in a cottage.