1、Simply put, love is the answer to every challenge that you face.───简而言之,【神圣之爱】就是你们面对所有挑战的答案。
2、Love is the answer. But while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions.───爱是答案。可是当你在等答案的时候,性会提出几个很好的问题。
3、Forgiveness is knowing that love is the answer to all questions, and that we all are in some way connected.───宽恕是深谙这样的道理:爱是所有问题的答案,从某方面说,我们每个人都是息息相连的。
4、Love is the answer that everyone seeks.───爱是众人寻找的答案。
5、Love is the answer to getting along with others. Love is understanding, goodwill, and a respect for the divinity of the other.───与他人和睦相处的秘诀就是爱。爱是理解、善意、尊重他人身上神赐的个性。
6、Love is the answer to every question.───爱是所有问题的答案。
7、Love is the answer that everyone seeks. Love is the language that every heart speaks.───爱情是答案人人求其解爱情是语言颗颗心精通
8、But love is the answer to all this, isn't it?───但爱是这一切的答案,不是吗?
love is the answer(意思翻译)
love is the answer(相似词语短语)
1、is love───是爱
2、love is───爱是
3、love is love───爱就是爱
4、the love is───爱是
6、the answer───答案是什么
7、this is the love───这就是爱
8、answer the door───应门,去开门(迎客); 应门而出
9、answer the call───响应号召;接电话
love is the answer(双语使用场景)
1、Simply put, love is the answer to every challenge that you face.───简而言之,【神圣之爱】就是你们面对所有挑战的答案。
2、Love is the answer. But while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions.───爱是答案。可是当你在等答案的时候,性会提出几个很好的问题。
3、Forgiveness is knowing that love is the answer to all questions, and that we all are in some way connected.───宽恕是深谙这样的道理:爱是所有问题的答案,从某方面说,我们每个人都是息息相连的。
4、Love is the answer that everyone seeks.───爱是众人寻找的答案。
5、Love is the answer to getting along with others. Love is understanding, goodwill, and a respect for the divinity of the other.───与他人和睦相处的秘诀就是爱。爱是理解、善意、尊重他人身上神赐的个性。
6、Love is the answer to every question.───爱是所有问题的答案。
7、Love is the answer that everyone seeks. Love is the language that every heart speaks.───爱情是答案人人求其解爱情是语言颗颗心精通
8、But love is the answer to all this, isn't it?───但爱是这一切的答案,不是吗?
9、God: Love is the answer.───神:爱就是答案。