1、Wagoner hired bankruptcy lawyers and advisers to begin preparing a contingency plan, said people familiar with the matter.───12月初,瓦格纳在董事会的敦促下聘请了破产律师和顾问,为应急计划作准备。
2、Not taking any chances, the president of the United States orders a contingency plan-to sterilize Raccoon City.───不冒任何危险,美国总统下达了紧急以外的命令——将莱肯市夷为平地。
3、would be sensible to have a contingency plan.───一份应急计划是明智的。
4、All of these new components should be considered in the contingency plan as well.───还应该在应急计划中考虑所有这些新组件。
5、Look at building a competitive profile, contingency plan, risk assessment, etc.───把重点放在竞争力概况、应急计划和风险评估等事情上。
6、And it's come to my attention that our company lacks any sort of bird flu contingency plan .───这个问题引起了我的注意。我们公司目前缺少应对禽流感的紧急措施。
7、You can specify a trigger that identifies when the risk has occurred, and a contingency plan to handle the risk if it does occur .───还可以指定用来标识风险发生时间的触发器,以及风险发生时用于处理风险的应急计划。
8、Opposition public transport spokesman Terry Mulder said the Brumby Government needed to have a contingency plan.───FanDuiDang的公共交通发言人特里·毛德说,布隆比政府需要有一个应急计划。
contingency plan(英语使用场景)
1、Do you HAs an emergency program ( contingency plan )?
2、What is the CFA Institute contingency plan in the event of inclement weather?
3、Do you have an emergency program (contingency plan)?
4、Each state must also provide a contingency plan.
5、Do we have a contingency plan if we run out of tylium?
6、The banking company began working on its contingency plan began before Lewis announced his retirement, the person told the paper.
7、Develop an open-cut contingency plan and detour plan in case of collapse.
8、It has established a contingency plan and is provided with necessary contingency rescue equipment.
9、Carter ordered the Pentagon to prepare a contingency plan for military action to rescue the hostages.
contingency plan(意思翻译)
contingency plan(相似词语短语)
1、incentive plan───[劳经]奖励计划,奖金计划
2、party plan───聚会计划,茶会方式;[经] 茶会方式
3、contingency table───[数]列联表;[统计]相依表;(质量管理)相依表
5、contingency planning───应急计划
6、contingency theory───权变理论
7、secret plan───秘密计划
9、contingency provision───应急经费;应急预案
contingency plan(双语使用场景)
1、Wagoner hired bankruptcy lawyers and advisers to begin preparing a contingency plan, said people familiar with the matter.───12月初,瓦格纳在董事会的敦促下聘请了破产律师和顾问,为应急计划作准备。
2、Not taking any chances, the president of the United States orders a contingency plan-to sterilize Raccoon City.───不冒任何危险,美国总统下达了紧急以外的命令——将莱肯市夷为平地。
3、would be sensible to have a contingency plan.───一份应急计划是明智的。
4、All of these new components should be considered in the contingency plan as well.───还应该在应急计划中考虑所有这些新组件。
5、Look at building a competitive profile, contingency plan, risk assessment, etc.───把重点放在竞争力概况、应急计划和风险评估等事情上。
6、And it's come to my attention that our company lacks any sort of bird flu contingency plan .───这个问题引起了我的注意。我们公司目前缺少应对禽流感的紧急措施。
7、You can specify a trigger that identifies when the risk has occurred, and a contingency plan to handle the risk if it does occur .───还可以指定用来标识风险发生时间的触发器,以及风险发生时用于处理风险的应急计划。
8、Opposition public transport spokesman Terry Mulder said the Brumby Government needed to have a contingency plan.───FanDuiDang的公共交通发言人特里·毛德说,布隆比政府需要有一个应急计划。
contingency plan(英语使用场景)
1、Do you HAs an emergency program ( contingency plan )?
2、What is the CFA Institute contingency plan in the event of inclement weather?
3、Do you have an emergency program (contingency plan)?
4、Each state must also provide a contingency plan.
5、Do we have a contingency plan if we run out of tylium?
6、The banking company began working on its contingency plan began before Lewis announced his retirement, the person told the paper.
7、Develop an open-cut contingency plan and detour plan in case of collapse.
8、It has established a contingency plan and is provided with necessary contingency rescue equipment.
9、Carter ordered the Pentagon to prepare a contingency plan for military action to rescue the hostages.