1、it looked possible that the break-out by tens of thousands of Palestinians bottled up in the Gaza Strip would be a joyful but brief blip.───成千上万被困在在加沙地带的巴勒斯坦人爆发了,起初,这看起来可能是一个可喜而短暂的标志。
2、Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice.───愿田和其中所有的都欢乐。那时林中的树木,都要在YeHeHua面前欢呼。
3、Since we cannot be joyful, there only remains the road of agony, of mad exaltation.───因为我们无法喜悦,我们唯有痛苦,唯有疯癫的兴奋。
be joyful of(意思翻译)
be joyful of(相似词语短语)
1、being single may be joyful───单身也许是快乐的
2、get joyful───获得快乐
3、joyful look───喜色
4、be joyful───快乐
5、radically joyful───极度快乐
6、joyful life───快乐的生活
7、joyful lifestyle───快乐的生活方式
9、day joyful───快乐的一天
be joyful of(双语使用场景)
1、it looked possible that the break-out by tens of thousands of Palestinians bottled up in the Gaza Strip would be a joyful but brief blip.───成千上万被困在在加沙地带的巴勒斯坦人爆发了,起初,这看起来可能是一个可喜而短暂的标志。
2、Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice.───愿田和其中所有的都欢乐。那时林中的树木,都要在YeHeHua面前欢呼。
3、Since we cannot be joyful, there only remains the road of agony, of mad exaltation.───因为我们无法喜悦,我们唯有痛苦,唯有疯癫的兴奋。