1、This web services-enabled application receives the XML document and transforms the data for the verification and update process required to feed the DB2 central database of Storebrand.───这个启用 Web 服务的应用程序接收 XML 文档,并且为了给 Storebrand 的 DB2 中央数据库提供数据,转换用于验证和更新过程的数据。
2、concluded that an offset feed parabolic antenna has the advantage in side lobe suppression over central feed parabolic antenna.───结论显示:偏角馈入抛物面天线较中心馈入抛物面天线在抑制远旁瓣方面有优势,在做低仰角扫描时不会产生远旁瓣回波;
3、By using IBM Mashup Center, vital business information can be controlled, governed, and shared via a central feed repository.───通过使用IBMMashupCenter,可以通过一个中央feed库控制、治理和共享关键的业务信息。
4、High oil prices feed inflation even as they slow economic growth, and the ECB feels even more pressure than other central Banks to establish its hawkish credentials, because it is so young.───高企不下的油价助长了通胀,同时抑制了经济增长,因此,欧洲央行要树立鹰派成员的声誉,恐怕比其他银行要承受更多的压力,因为它显然经验不足。
central feed(英语使用场景)
1、It is concluded that an offset feed parabolic antenna has the advantage in side lobe suppression over central feed parabolic antenna.
central feed(意思翻译)
central feed(相似词语短语)
1、central tendency───[统计]集中趋势;居中趋向;集中趋势(指匀数、中数与众数而言)
4、central reach───中心河段
5、client central───客户端中心
6、feed stock feed───饲料饲料
7、feed like───喂得像
8、central area───中心地区;中心区;市中心区
9、art central───艺术中心
central feed(双语使用场景)
1、This web services-enabled application receives the XML document and transforms the data for the verification and update process required to feed the DB2 central database of Storebrand.───这个启用 Web 服务的应用程序接收 XML 文档,并且为了给 Storebrand 的 DB2 中央数据库提供数据,转换用于验证和更新过程的数据。
2、concluded that an offset feed parabolic antenna has the advantage in side lobe suppression over central feed parabolic antenna.───结论显示:偏角馈入抛物面天线较中心馈入抛物面天线在抑制远旁瓣方面有优势,在做低仰角扫描时不会产生远旁瓣回波;
3、By using IBM Mashup Center, vital business information can be controlled, governed, and shared via a central feed repository.───通过使用IBMMashupCenter,可以通过一个中央feed库控制、治理和共享关键的业务信息。
4、High oil prices feed inflation even as they slow economic growth, and the ECB feels even more pressure than other central Banks to establish its hawkish credentials, because it is so young.───高企不下的油价助长了通胀,同时抑制了经济增长,因此,欧洲央行要树立鹰派成员的声誉,恐怕比其他银行要承受更多的压力,因为它显然经验不足。
central feed(英语使用场景)
1、It is concluded that an offset feed parabolic antenna has the advantage in side lobe suppression over central feed parabolic antenna.