1、At the same time, the height of the north of Bay of Bengalis lower (higher), the southern branch trough is stronger (weaker), so it is (not) useful to lead the warm and wet air toward the north.───同时,中低纬度在孟加拉湾北部高度场偏低(高),南支槽偏强(弱),有(不)利于南方暖湿空气向北输送。
2、My nature worship stops with the May storms that killed more than 125,000 Bengalis and left 10 million homeless.───5月风暴夺走了125,000多孟加拉人的生命,留下1,000万人无家可归以后,我的自然崇拜也就不复存在了。
n.孟加拉人 (Bengali)
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2、bengal tiger───孟加拉虎
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10、bengalese names───孟加拉文名称
1、At the same time, the height of the north of Bay of Bengalis lower (higher), the southern branch trough is stronger (weaker), so it is (not) useful to lead the warm and wet air toward the north.───同时,中低纬度在孟加拉湾北部高度场偏低(高),南支槽偏强(弱),有(不)利于南方暖湿空气向北输送。
2、My nature worship stops with the May storms that killed more than 125,000 Bengalis and left 10 million homeless.───5月风暴夺走了125,000多孟加拉人的生命,留下1,000万人无家可归以后,我的自然崇拜也就不复存在了。