1、Thus, for a typical program invocation with N options, the code needs only O(N) [N*O(1)] comparisons—an order of magnitude improvement over the legacy code.───因此,对于具有 N 个选项的典型程序调用,代码只需执行 O(N) [N*O(1)] 比较 — 这是对遗留代码的巨大改进。
2、Disabling these options on legacy code can be risky, however, since they may be depending upon them being set for proper execution.───然而,在遗留代码上禁用这些选项会有风险,因为它们可能取决于其设置来实现正确执行。
3、legacy transformation plan usually contains a mix of the above options in order to satisfy, with available funding, the business needs and user requirements throughout the organization.───为了利用现有资金,满足贯穿整个企业的业务需要及用户需求,遗留转化计划通常混合了以上的多个选择。
legacy options(意思翻译)
legacy options(相似词语短语)
1、legacy boot───旧XiTong的启动
2、swap options───交换期权
3、simpler options───更简单的选择
4、legacy first───遗产优先
6、legacy mode───传统模式
7、career options───职业选择
9、clank legacy───叮当遗产
legacy options(双语使用场景)
1、Thus, for a typical program invocation with N options, the code needs only O(N) [N*O(1)] comparisons—an order of magnitude improvement over the legacy code.───因此,对于具有 N 个选项的典型程序调用,代码只需执行 O(N) [N*O(1)] 比较 — 这是对遗留代码的巨大改进。
2、Disabling these options on legacy code can be risky, however, since they may be depending upon them being set for proper execution.───然而,在遗留代码上禁用这些选项会有风险,因为它们可能取决于其设置来实现正确执行。
3、legacy transformation plan usually contains a mix of the above options in order to satisfy, with available funding, the business needs and user requirements throughout the organization.───为了利用现有资金,满足贯穿整个企业的业务需要及用户需求,遗留转化计划通常混合了以上的多个选择。