2、The same holds true with anyone who feels no shame in telling a deliberate lie: There is no evil, I tell you, he will not do.───同样,凡是故意说谎而无愧意的人,我告诉你,没有什麽他不会做。
3、This holds true with the way a writer manipulates a story or how a painter draws his masterpiece.───这个拥有真正的同一个作家的方式Cao纵一个故事或如何画家提请他的杰作。
4、Men tend to ask for more and they get more, and this holds true with other resources, not just pay increases.───男性倾向于提要求因此他们得到的也多,这条原则在其他方面也适用,不仅仅是加薪方面。
holds true with(意思翻译)
holds true with(相似词语短语)
1、holds up───拦劫;v.停车( hold-up的第三人称单数 ); 停顿; 停止; 支持;堵塞;要高价(holdup的动词单数第三人称形式)
3、holds true───适用;有效
4、gently holds meme───轻轻地抓住模因
6、especially true───尤其正确;更是如此
7、subjectively true───主观真实
8、true beige───纯正米色(粉饼色号)
9、holds on───不挂断电话,等一下;继续
holds true with(双语使用场景)
1、The same holds true with this fact.───这是事实。
2、The same holds true with anyone who feels no shame in telling a deliberate lie: There is no evil, I tell you, he will not do.───同样,凡是故意说谎而无愧意的人,我告诉你,没有什麽他不会做。
3、This holds true with the way a writer manipulates a story or how a painter draws his masterpiece.───这个拥有真正的同一个作家的方式Cao纵一个故事或如何画家提请他的杰作。
4、Men tend to ask for more and they get more, and this holds true with other resources, not just pay increases.───男性倾向于提要求因此他们得到的也多,这条原则在其他方面也适用,不仅仅是加薪方面。