5、along the way───沿途(乐曲名);事情正在发生或你正在做某件事的那段时间; 随着时间的推移
6、take the way───出发;首途
7、take you the way───带你走吧
8、along the line───沿线
9、take my way───走我的路
take along the way(双语使用场景)
1、Three digital cameras, three people, three locations, three different stories. Explore their individual journeys and see the pictures they take along the way.───三个数字相机,三个人,三个位置,三个不同的故事。发掘自己的个人行程和看到他们的照片沿途服用。
2、Valley Crossing will take you through some stunning scenery but there are several points along the way where you'll need the level of fitness required to get over some pretty big rocks.───山谷穿越路线会带你们欣赏沿途一些令人惊叹的美景,但经过某些地方时,大家需要具备良好的身体素质,才能翻越巨大的石头。
3、arctic tern, on its 20,000 km flight from the extreme south of South America to the Arctic circle, will take no notice of a nice smelly herring offered from a bird-watcher's boat along the way.───北极燕鸥在从南美洲的最南端飞往北极圈的路线全长2万公里,但燕鸥这一路上都不会留意观鸟船送来的散发臭味却又可口的鲱鱼。
4、Dedicate yourself to your career goals and to every job that you take along the way.───全身心地为职业目标而努力奋斗,珍惜每一个工作机会,并抓住机遇。
take along the way(意思翻译)
take along the way(相似词语短语)
1、take way───让路
2、take along to───带着去
3、take it way───顺其自然
4、take your way───走你的路
5、along the way───沿途(乐曲名);事情正在发生或你正在做某件事的那段时间; 随着时间的推移
6、take the way───出发;首途
7、take you the way───带你走吧
8、along the line───沿线
9、take my way───走我的路
take along the way(双语使用场景)
1、Three digital cameras, three people, three locations, three different stories. Explore their individual journeys and see the pictures they take along the way.───三个数字相机,三个人,三个位置,三个不同的故事。发掘自己的个人行程和看到他们的照片沿途服用。
2、Valley Crossing will take you through some stunning scenery but there are several points along the way where you'll need the level of fitness required to get over some pretty big rocks.───山谷穿越路线会带你们欣赏沿途一些令人惊叹的美景,但经过某些地方时,大家需要具备良好的身体素质,才能翻越巨大的石头。
3、arctic tern, on its 20,000 km flight from the extreme south of South America to the Arctic circle, will take no notice of a nice smelly herring offered from a bird-watcher's boat along the way.───北极燕鸥在从南美洲的最南端飞往北极圈的路线全长2万公里,但燕鸥这一路上都不会留意观鸟船送来的散发臭味却又可口的鲱鱼。
4、Dedicate yourself to your career goals and to every job that you take along the way.───全身心地为职业目标而努力奋斗,珍惜每一个工作机会,并抓住机遇。