1、He was fascinated by the many business trips I've taken to Japan in recent years, and wished his health had let him go along on one of them.───最近几年他特别关注我每次去日本的商务旅行,而且还说如果自己的健康状况允许的话,希望能够也带上他去一次。
2、After they arrive at the centre, tourists can take trips to the moon or go for walks in space.───到达该中心后,游客们可以去月球旅行或在太空漫步。
3、Groups of about a dozen students each, led by an experienced guide, will go on ten-day camping trips to the mountains to study the plants and animals that grow and live there.───每一组大约十来名学生,由一位经验丰富的导游带领,将进行为期十天的登山露营,以研究在那里生长和生活的动植物。
go to trips(意思翻译)
go to trips(相似词语短语)
1、go on trips───去旅行
2、pleasure trips───n.游览
3、taking trips───去旅行;外出
4、go to───v.转到;定位;v.转到,定位; 上; 奔赴; 赴
5、field trips───实地考察旅行
6、to go───剩下的,未完成的;外卖
7、outreach trips───外展旅行
8、trips every───行程间隔
9、go to go───去吧,去吧
go to trips(双语使用场景)
1、He was fascinated by the many business trips I've taken to Japan in recent years, and wished his health had let him go along on one of them.───最近几年他特别关注我每次去日本的商务旅行,而且还说如果自己的健康状况允许的话,希望能够也带上他去一次。
2、After they arrive at the centre, tourists can take trips to the moon or go for walks in space.───到达该中心后,游客们可以去月球旅行或在太空漫步。
3、Groups of about a dozen students each, led by an experienced guide, will go on ten-day camping trips to the mountains to study the plants and animals that grow and live there.───每一组大约十来名学生,由一位经验丰富的导游带领,将进行为期十天的登山露营,以研究在那里生长和生活的动植物。