1、It also takes waterproofing way too far.───它为了防水还挺拼的。
2、The Aegean sea although very beautiful, but way too far.───爱琴海虽然很美,但是路途很远。
3、He says union power has to be reduced, but says Work Choices has gone way too far the other way.───他说,应该工会减少的权力,但工作选择方针又太过分了。
4、We absolutely swung way too far in the liberal lending, but did we have to swing so far back the other way?───我们绝对是走得距离自由借贷太远了,难道我们只能从另一条漫长的道路走回来?
5、One of the men has apologized for the incident, calling it "a prank which went way too far" .───其中一名男子已经对此事道歉,他称这是“一次过火的恶作剧”
6、DAVENPORT: Oh, you're way too far ahead (laughter).───达文波特:你这话说得太早了(大笑)。
7、So if you head to the mall to find another pair of black heels to wear with your investment suits, you are just taking this way too far!───所以如果你还为了你投资的套装,而跑到商场里去买一双黑丝高跟鞋时,那么你就太偏离我要说的意思了!
8、It was way too far to the NW for this time of year and it happened in only a day's time.───就今年的这个时候而言,它太偏向西北方向了,而这仅仅发生在一天的时间里。
9、The problem: When running downhill, some people have a tendency to lean way too far forward, overstride, and run out of control.───问题:当下坡跑步时,一些人倾向向前倾斜的太多,步伐太大而失去控制。
way too far(英语使用场景)
1、Sun was way too far North at sunset today. This wobble is getting worse.
way too far(意思翻译)
way too far(相似词语短语)
1、too far───过头,过火,过分;过火(歌曲名)
2、far way───远远的
3、far far away───千里迢迢
4、be way too───我也是
5、way too───太好了
6、far too───远远;非常;太;极为;极其
7、went too far───vi.走得太远;做的过火
8、never far way───永不遥远
9、way too long───太长了
way too far(双语使用场景)
1、It also takes waterproofing way too far.───它为了防水还挺拼的。
2、The Aegean sea although very beautiful, but way too far.───爱琴海虽然很美,但是路途很远。
3、He says union power has to be reduced, but says Work Choices has gone way too far the other way.───他说,应该工会减少的权力,但工作选择方针又太过分了。
4、We absolutely swung way too far in the liberal lending, but did we have to swing so far back the other way?───我们绝对是走得距离自由借贷太远了,难道我们只能从另一条漫长的道路走回来?
5、One of the men has apologized for the incident, calling it "a prank which went way too far" .───其中一名男子已经对此事道歉,他称这是“一次过火的恶作剧”
6、DAVENPORT: Oh, you're way too far ahead (laughter).───达文波特:你这话说得太早了(大笑)。
7、So if you head to the mall to find another pair of black heels to wear with your investment suits, you are just taking this way too far!───所以如果你还为了你投资的套装,而跑到商场里去买一双黑丝高跟鞋时,那么你就太偏离我要说的意思了!
8、It was way too far to the NW for this time of year and it happened in only a day's time.───就今年的这个时候而言,它太偏向西北方向了,而这仅仅发生在一天的时间里。
9、The problem: When running downhill, some people have a tendency to lean way too far forward, overstride, and run out of control.───问题:当下坡跑步时,一些人倾向向前倾斜的太多,步伐太大而失去控制。
way too far(英语使用场景)
1、Sun was way too far North at sunset today. This wobble is getting worse.