1、If however you are in the public, one way or the other, and pride yourself on meeting and connecting with a good number of people, you need a Facebook page.───但是,如果你很大众的话,总要有一个办法让你可以在聚会上得意,让你和许多人有交集,所以你需要有Facebook个人主页。
2、Humanitarian agencies report at least one quarter of a million people need immediate food assistance and this number may reach one half million.───人道救援机构的报告说,至少有25万人需要立即得到食品援助,而且这一数字可能将升高到50万。
3、is one thing to learn a new piece of information, such as a new phone number or a new word, but quite another to get your brain to file it away so it is available when you need it.───学习新知识——比如记个电话号码或者一个新单词——是一回事,而将它们存进大脑并在需要时调用就完全是另外一回事了。
a number one need(意思翻译)
a number one need(相似词语短语)
1、need a partner───需要搭档吗
2、a number one album───头号专辑
3、to number one───一号人物
4、do a need───有需要吗
5、one a one───一个一个
6、number one───n.头号人物,头头,副舰长; 自身利益,自我; 尿尿,SaNiao;第一;最好;自己的利益;adj.自己的; 重要的,头号的
8、a number one───一号人物
9、a biological need───生理需要
a number one need(双语使用场景)
1、If however you are in the public, one way or the other, and pride yourself on meeting and connecting with a good number of people, you need a Facebook page.───但是,如果你很大众的话,总要有一个办法让你可以在聚会上得意,让你和许多人有交集,所以你需要有Facebook个人主页。
2、Humanitarian agencies report at least one quarter of a million people need immediate food assistance and this number may reach one half million.───人道救援机构的报告说,至少有25万人需要立即得到食品援助,而且这一数字可能将升高到50万。
3、is one thing to learn a new piece of information, such as a new phone number or a new word, but quite another to get your brain to file it away so it is available when you need it.───学习新知识——比如记个电话号码或者一个新单词——是一回事,而将它们存进大脑并在需要时调用就完全是另外一回事了。