1、The system highlights the application of advanced manufacturing technology and implements the spirit of innovation and engineering practice.───该体系强调理论教学与实践教学的有机结合,突出对先进制造技术的应用,贯彻创新精神,强化工程实践能力培养。
2、Innovation management is the concept of globalization and the spirit of innovation is to fail, is the entire management system supporting.───创新管理的背后,是管理者的全球化理念和创新精神,是对失败的包容,是企业整个管理XiTong的有效支撑。
3、Innovation: We advocate the spirit of innovation to be deeply rooted in the heart of every team members and save no endeavors to achieve it.───创新精神:我们提倡创新意识深耕在每个员工的心中,并为此不懈努力。
4、technical innovation, one must have the fearless spirit of a pathbreaker.───技术革新就要有一股不怕困难的闯劲。
5、Loving the motherland, and a sense of justice, the spirit of innovation.───热爱祖国、有正义感、敢于创新等精神。
6、Because without curiosity we will lose the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship.───因为没有好奇心,我们就会失去创新和创业精神。
7、The spirit of innovation and creation, I believe, would be one of the answers.───我想,注重创新、创造的精神应该是重要的原因之一。
8、them develop practical abilities and a spirit of [[innovation]], and effectively reduce too heavy homework assignments for . . .───德育工作,努力培养学生的[[创新]]精神和实践能力,切实减轻…
9、Looking to the future, I hope all UM members will continue to work together with a spirit of innovation and enterprise.───展望未来,我们澳大人将继续团结一致,开拓创新,不断前进!
spirit of innovation(英语使用场景)
1、The spirit of innovation is needed to expand operations to guarantee company's fast development, and ensuring the activity of company's foundation.
2、Chinese is a nation rich in the spirit of innovation, which is correlated to the Yi - ology.
3、All these unpromising physical properties serve to spur the spirit of innovation and experimentation I've described as the city's fundamental feature.
4、A spirit of innovation and initiative is fueling its progress.
5、Communion with students and knowledge extensibility, as well as the spirit of innovation are the three factors of teachers generating teaching wittiness.
6、It is a kind of cultural lag and lack of spirit of innovation, and also the governmental misleading and serious self-reform lag.
7、Also, the engine starting signal is an example of the spirit of innovation.
8、It is necessary that feudal patriarchy would oppress and persecute the spirit of innovation and advancement.
9、A spirit of innovation and initiative is also fueling its progress.
spirit of innovation(意思翻译)
spirit of innovation(相似词语短语)
1、spurring innovation───激励创新
2、innovation capability───创新能力
3、largess of spirit───慷慨的精神
4、a spirit of───……的精神
5、innovation nation───创新型国家
7、leading innovation───领先的创新;引领创新(leading是lead的现在分词)
8、vexation of spirit───精神上的烦恼
spirit of innovation(双语使用场景)
1、The system highlights the application of advanced manufacturing technology and implements the spirit of innovation and engineering practice.───该体系强调理论教学与实践教学的有机结合,突出对先进制造技术的应用,贯彻创新精神,强化工程实践能力培养。
2、Innovation management is the concept of globalization and the spirit of innovation is to fail, is the entire management system supporting.───创新管理的背后,是管理者的全球化理念和创新精神,是对失败的包容,是企业整个管理XiTong的有效支撑。
3、Innovation: We advocate the spirit of innovation to be deeply rooted in the heart of every team members and save no endeavors to achieve it.───创新精神:我们提倡创新意识深耕在每个员工的心中,并为此不懈努力。
4、technical innovation, one must have the fearless spirit of a pathbreaker.───技术革新就要有一股不怕困难的闯劲。
5、Loving the motherland, and a sense of justice, the spirit of innovation.───热爱祖国、有正义感、敢于创新等精神。
6、Because without curiosity we will lose the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship.───因为没有好奇心,我们就会失去创新和创业精神。
7、The spirit of innovation and creation, I believe, would be one of the answers.───我想,注重创新、创造的精神应该是重要的原因之一。
8、them develop practical abilities and a spirit of [[innovation]], and effectively reduce too heavy homework assignments for . . .───德育工作,努力培养学生的[[创新]]精神和实践能力,切实减轻…
9、Looking to the future, I hope all UM members will continue to work together with a spirit of innovation and enterprise.───展望未来,我们澳大人将继续团结一致,开拓创新,不断前进!
spirit of innovation(英语使用场景)
1、The spirit of innovation is needed to expand operations to guarantee company's fast development, and ensuring the activity of company's foundation.
2、Chinese is a nation rich in the spirit of innovation, which is correlated to the Yi - ology.
3、All these unpromising physical properties serve to spur the spirit of innovation and experimentation I've described as the city's fundamental feature.
4、A spirit of innovation and initiative is fueling its progress.
5、Communion with students and knowledge extensibility, as well as the spirit of innovation are the three factors of teachers generating teaching wittiness.
6、It is a kind of cultural lag and lack of spirit of innovation, and also the governmental misleading and serious self-reform lag.
7、Also, the engine starting signal is an example of the spirit of innovation.
8、It is necessary that feudal patriarchy would oppress and persecute the spirit of innovation and advancement.
9、A spirit of innovation and initiative is also fueling its progress.