1、But I agree that the effects of this trip are far-reaching. This trip is going to changes us forever.───咯咯地笑着说,“但我也认为这次旅行的影响将是长久深远的,它将永远地改变我们。”
2、Can understand, can read just can not say the trip trip knock knock.───能听懂,能看懂就是说不出,说的绊绊磕磕。
3、Why do airlines charge less for a round-trip trip ticket if the traveler stays over a Saturday night?───为何如果旅客周六停留一晚,航空公司对往返机票的收费就要低?
4、Food is tainan trip trip, not least in search of more than history track, then try prestigious tainan snacks, will more regret it.───美食也是台南之旅不可遗漏的行程,在寻访历史轨迹之余,再尝尝久负盛名的台南小吃,将更不虚此行。
5、Trip, trip! I'll tell the class about my trip.───旅行,旅行!我要把我这次旅行的事讲给我班同学听。
6、From rice patties, to volcanoes, quaint Balinese villages, a trip to Bali is a trip of a lifetime.───从肉饼饭到火山,再到古朴的巴厘岛村落,巴厘岛一定是你终身难忘的旅程。
trip trip(意思翻译)
trip trip(相似词语短语)
1、datura trip───行程日期
2、bowling trip───保龄球之旅
3、trip hammer───杵锤,夹板锤
4、plateno trip───无跳闸
5、winding trip───绕组跳闸
6、trip───vt.绊倒;(使)跌倒;触发(开关);起(锚);竖起(帆桁);n.(Trip)(美)特里普(人名);vi.绊倒,跌倒;轻快地走(或跑、跳舞);(非正式) (Du Pin)产生幻觉;(部分电路)自动断开;作短途旅行;n.(尤指短程往返的)旅行;(赛跑等)赛程; (Xi Du)幻觉;绊倒;错误;令人兴奋的经历;自我放纵的态度(或行动);(机器、电路的)开关;(安全装置的)脱扣;轻捷的脚步;让人开心的奇人,奇妙有趣的经历
7、heatsink trip───散热片跳闸
8、fate trip───命运之旅
9、beintroublestudy trip───双重学习之旅
trip trip(双语使用场景)
1、But I agree that the effects of this trip are far-reaching. This trip is going to changes us forever.───咯咯地笑着说,“但我也认为这次旅行的影响将是长久深远的,它将永远地改变我们。”
2、Can understand, can read just can not say the trip trip knock knock.───能听懂,能看懂就是说不出,说的绊绊磕磕。
3、Why do airlines charge less for a round-trip trip ticket if the traveler stays over a Saturday night?───为何如果旅客周六停留一晚,航空公司对往返机票的收费就要低?
4、Food is tainan trip trip, not least in search of more than history track, then try prestigious tainan snacks, will more regret it.───美食也是台南之旅不可遗漏的行程,在寻访历史轨迹之余,再尝尝久负盛名的台南小吃,将更不虚此行。
5、Trip, trip! I'll tell the class about my trip.───旅行,旅行!我要把我这次旅行的事讲给我班同学听。
6、From rice patties, to volcanoes, quaint Balinese villages, a trip to Bali is a trip of a lifetime.───从肉饼饭到火山,再到古朴的巴厘岛村落,巴厘岛一定是你终身难忘的旅程。