1、Excellence and novelty embodies in pursuing prominency.───求精求新,追求卓越;
2、Results Clonal cells L2B9, L2H7, L2H8, L3B12 and L3E11 had a lot of tiny crests and tiny folds, but difference in density, L2C9 had abundant microvilli and L3F9 had massive prominency.───结果扫描电镜观察细胞表面结构,克隆株L2B9、L2H7、L2H8、L3B12及L3E11都有大量微嵴、微皱褶,但疏密程度不同;L2C9的微嵴和微皱褶较为粗大且有丰富的微绒毛;
1、the promise───无极(电影名);神秘园(歌曲名);[电影]无极
2、promised neverland wiki───承诺梦幻岛维基
3、i promise u forever───我向你保证永远
4、promiscuity song───LanJiao之歌
5、compromised lung───肺部受损
6、compromising synonym───妥协同义词
7、promised neverland ray───答应过梦幻岛雷
8、promiscuous abandon───LanJiao
9、promiscuously meaning───混杂的意思
10、promised neverland characters───承诺的梦幻岛人物
1、Excellence and novelty embodies in pursuing prominency.───求精求新,追求卓越;
2、Results Clonal cells L2B9, L2H7, L2H8, L3B12 and L3E11 had a lot of tiny crests and tiny folds, but difference in density, L2C9 had abundant microvilli and L3F9 had massive prominency.───结果扫描电镜观察细胞表面结构,克隆株L2B9、L2H7、L2H8、L3B12及L3E11都有大量微嵴、微皱褶,但疏密程度不同;L2C9的微嵴和微皱褶较为粗大且有丰富的微绒毛;