1、Then, based on the continuous land surface map of tree, herbaceous and bare, the land use classification was made using expert classifier.───然后根据所生成的林地、草本和裸地的连续覆盖图,基于专家分类器进行土地利用分类。
2、Red colored spore plants added to the surface map of the EPA.───红色孢子植物添加到环保署表面地图。
3、More Resolution for Your Surface Map───对你的表面图有更多的分辨率
4、Orbiting the moon at an altitude of just 31 miles, the LRO spacecraft is designed to map the lunar surface in unprecedented detail to help identify possible landing sites for future manned missions.───LRO太空飞行器在仅31英里的高度绕月球飞行,设计该飞行器的目的是绘制空前详细的月球表面地图,以帮助确定未来载人飞行任务可能的着陆点。
surface map(英语使用场景)
1、Global city lights, derived from 9 months of observations from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, are superimposed on a darkened land surface map.
surface map(意思翻译)
surface map(相似词语短语)
1、surface book───面书
2、apical surface───顶面
3、surface data───曲面数据;表面数据;地面资料
4、placid surface───平静表面
5、surface temp───表面温度
6、out surface───外表面
8、surface tension───[流]表面张力;n.表面张力
9、hot surface───热表面; 放热地面
surface map(双语使用场景)
1、Then, based on the continuous land surface map of tree, herbaceous and bare, the land use classification was made using expert classifier.───然后根据所生成的林地、草本和裸地的连续覆盖图,基于专家分类器进行土地利用分类。
2、Red colored spore plants added to the surface map of the EPA.───红色孢子植物添加到环保署表面地图。
3、More Resolution for Your Surface Map───对你的表面图有更多的分辨率
4、Orbiting the moon at an altitude of just 31 miles, the LRO spacecraft is designed to map the lunar surface in unprecedented detail to help identify possible landing sites for future manned missions.───LRO太空飞行器在仅31英里的高度绕月球飞行,设计该飞行器的目的是绘制空前详细的月球表面地图,以帮助确定未来载人飞行任务可能的着陆点。
surface map(英语使用场景)
1、Global city lights, derived from 9 months of observations from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, are superimposed on a darkened land surface map.