1、The rapid onset of these symptoms in the absence of daily smoking contradicted most of what I thought I knew about nicotine addiction.───无需每天抽菸就能迅速出现戒断症状,与我自以为知道的NiGuDing成瘾性有诸多矛盾之处。
2、I knew I was no threat, and just politely contradicted him and said I'd give the Wall a shot, anyhow.───我知道自己不会对他有什么威胁,于是便礼貌地与他理论。我说,无论如何也要给长城照张相。
3、His testimony contradicted that of the preceding witness.───他的证词和前一位的互相矛盾。
4、Her eyes, however, betrayed that perfect confidence which contradicted the girlish simplicity of this modest attire.───她的打扮虽然显得纯洁高尚,她眼睛里却流露出一种与之相反的傲慢神气。
5、Alice said nothing: she had never been so much contradicted in her life before, and she felt that she was losing her temper.───爱丽丝不说话了,她从来没有遭到过这么多的反驳,感到自己要发脾气了。
6、All evening her husband contradicted everything she said.───整个晚上她说什么丈夫都反驳。
7、When he condescended to speak, he contradicted himself three or four times in the space of half an hour.───当他屈尊讲话时,半小时内有三四次前后矛盾。
8、Just being contradicted can put HIM into a towering rage, but I've never known HIM to sulk or bear grudges.───只要遭到反驳就能使他勃然大怒,但我从来没看到过他生闷气或记恨。
9、He held to everything he said at the meeting despite the fact that several persons contradicted him.───他不顾好几个人反对,坚持他在会上的发言。
1、Dad just can't bear to be contradicted.
2、He contradicted his own statement.
3、All evening her husband contradicted everything she said.
4、Within five minutes he had contradicted himself twice.
5、When he condescended to speak, he contradicted himself three or four times in the space of half an hour.
6、She exploded with rage when contradicted.
7、This version of events was contradicted by eye-witness reports.
1、contradicted antonym───矛盾反义词
2、contradicted define───矛盾的定义
3、contradicted syn───矛盾综合征
4、contradicted definition───矛盾的定义
5、contradicted vs contraindicated───矛盾与禁忌
6、contradicted defined───矛盾的定义
1、The rapid onset of these symptoms in the absence of daily smoking contradicted most of what I thought I knew about nicotine addiction.───无需每天抽菸就能迅速出现戒断症状,与我自以为知道的NiGuDing成瘾性有诸多矛盾之处。
2、I knew I was no threat, and just politely contradicted him and said I'd give the Wall a shot, anyhow.───我知道自己不会对他有什么威胁,于是便礼貌地与他理论。我说,无论如何也要给长城照张相。
3、His testimony contradicted that of the preceding witness.───他的证词和前一位的互相矛盾。
4、Her eyes, however, betrayed that perfect confidence which contradicted the girlish simplicity of this modest attire.───她的打扮虽然显得纯洁高尚,她眼睛里却流露出一种与之相反的傲慢神气。
5、Alice said nothing: she had never been so much contradicted in her life before, and she felt that she was losing her temper.───爱丽丝不说话了,她从来没有遭到过这么多的反驳,感到自己要发脾气了。
6、All evening her husband contradicted everything she said.───整个晚上她说什么丈夫都反驳。
7、When he condescended to speak, he contradicted himself three or four times in the space of half an hour.───当他屈尊讲话时,半小时内有三四次前后矛盾。
8、Just being contradicted can put HIM into a towering rage, but I've never known HIM to sulk or bear grudges.───只要遭到反驳就能使他勃然大怒,但我从来没看到过他生闷气或记恨。
9、He held to everything he said at the meeting despite the fact that several persons contradicted him.───他不顾好几个人反对,坚持他在会上的发言。
1、Dad just can't bear to be contradicted.
2、He contradicted his own statement.
3、All evening her husband contradicted everything she said.
4、Within five minutes he had contradicted himself twice.
5、When he condescended to speak, he contradicted himself three or four times in the space of half an hour.
6、She exploded with rage when contradicted.
7、This version of events was contradicted by eye-witness reports.
8、We tripped him up and he contradicted himself.
9、You've just contradicted yourself .