1、This week I was downloading many Linux distributions to test them out, but I was having problems with the downloads because my Internet connection was very unstable.───这个星期我下载了很多个linux发行版来测试,但是因为网络连接太不稳定给我的下载带来很多麻烦。
2、I'm having problems with my Internet connection.───我的互联网连接有问题。
3、Troubleshoot network and Internet connection problems───网络和Internet连接问题的疑难解答
4、For more information, see Troubleshoot network and Internet connection problems.───有关详细信息,请参阅网络和Internet连接疑难解答。
5、necessity of using connection-oriented technology is discussed, on accounting of the three problems facing by Internet.───互联网络面临的三大问题,论述了采用面向连接的技术的必要性。
internet connection problems(意思翻译)
internet connection problems(相似词语短语)
1、kennel connection───犬舍连接
2、carf connection───carf连接
3、common problems───常见问题(commonproblem的复数);常见问题(common problem的复数)
4、explorer internet───internet浏览器
6、checking internet connection───正在检查internet连接
7、connection speed───连接速度
9、internet mall───互联网商场
internet connection problems(双语使用场景)
1、This week I was downloading many Linux distributions to test them out, but I was having problems with the downloads because my Internet connection was very unstable.───这个星期我下载了很多个linux发行版来测试,但是因为网络连接太不稳定给我的下载带来很多麻烦。
2、I'm having problems with my Internet connection.───我的互联网连接有问题。
3、Troubleshoot network and Internet connection problems───网络和Internet连接问题的疑难解答
4、For more information, see Troubleshoot network and Internet connection problems.───有关详细信息,请参阅网络和Internet连接疑难解答。
5、necessity of using connection-oriented technology is discussed, on accounting of the three problems facing by Internet.───互联网络面临的三大问题,论述了采用面向连接的技术的必要性。