1、One-dimensional search procedures -- Golden Section point, I developed! Members can download the generous support ah!───详细说明:一维搜索程序——黄金分割点方法,我自己编的!大家多多下载,多多支持啊!
2、Geneticalgorithms are parameter Search procedures based on the mechanics of nature genetics.───遗传算法是一种基于自然选择和群体遗传学机理的参数搜索方法。
3、Genetic algorithms are efficient search procedures for large scale optimization.───遗传算法是求解大型优化问题非常有效的算法。
4、Efficient Search Procedures for Multi - Stage VQ of LPC Parameters at Low- Rate Speech Coding───低速率语音编码LPC参数多级矢量量化的有效搜索
5、On the premise that human being is limited reasonable, the reasonable novelty search result is based on sound novelty search procedures and standard process.───在人是“有限理性”的前提下,只有查新程序合理及过程规范,才有查新结果的理性可言。
search procedures(英语使用场景)
1、When that period ends on 1 March, police will introduce stringent search procedures.
2、So an efficient search method by using populating code book are developed, and search procedures for determining the minimum mean-square error excitation code word are discussed.
search procedures(意思翻译)
search procedures(相似词语短语)
1、search into───调查
2、cosmetic procedures───ZhengXingMeiRong;整容手术
3、emergency procedures───应急Cao作步骤
4、correct procedures───正确的程序
5、medical procedures───就医流程;医疗手段
6、surgical procedures───手术治疗
7、formal procedures───形式过程
8、admission procedures───录取程序;收生程序;入学手续
search procedures(双语使用场景)
1、One-dimensional search procedures -- Golden Section point, I developed! Members can download the generous support ah!───详细说明:一维搜索程序——黄金分割点方法,我自己编的!大家多多下载,多多支持啊!
2、Geneticalgorithms are parameter Search procedures based on the mechanics of nature genetics.───遗传算法是一种基于自然选择和群体遗传学机理的参数搜索方法。
3、Genetic algorithms are efficient search procedures for large scale optimization.───遗传算法是求解大型优化问题非常有效的算法。
4、Efficient Search Procedures for Multi - Stage VQ of LPC Parameters at Low- Rate Speech Coding───低速率语音编码LPC参数多级矢量量化的有效搜索
5、On the premise that human being is limited reasonable, the reasonable novelty search result is based on sound novelty search procedures and standard process.───在人是“有限理性”的前提下,只有查新程序合理及过程规范,才有查新结果的理性可言。
search procedures(英语使用场景)
1、When that period ends on 1 March, police will introduce stringent search procedures.
2、So an efficient search method by using populating code book are developed, and search procedures for determining the minimum mean-square error excitation code word are discussed.