1、I've always said I think the best picture I've ever been in was probably the Wicker Man.───我总是说我认为我拍的最好的影片可能是《柳条人》。
2、In 1985 she married for a third time, tying the knot with Anthony Shaffer (1926-2001) a playwright who wrote the script of The Wicker Man.───1985年,她嫁给了第三次,配合安东尼谢弗(1926年至2001年)的剧作家是谁写的脚本的柳条人结。
3、But I think "The Wicker Man" stands out as one of the defining horror films.───但是我认为《异JiaoTu》是一部出色的能够定义恐怖电影的影片。
the wicker man(英语使用场景)
1、Music video by Iron Maiden performing The Wicker Man.
the wicker man(意思翻译)
the wicker man(相似词语短语)
1、the wise man───智者
2、wicker chairs───藤椅,细藤椅;柳条椅
3、wicker furniture───柳条家具
4、wicker man───柳条工
5、the wrong man───[电影]伸冤记;伸冤记(电影名)
6、the man───大哥,厉害的人
7、by the man───是那个男人
8、wicker baskets───[轻]柳条篮
9、portugal the man───葡萄牙男人
the wicker man(双语使用场景)
1、I've always said I think the best picture I've ever been in was probably the Wicker Man.───我总是说我认为我拍的最好的影片可能是《柳条人》。
2、In 1985 she married for a third time, tying the knot with Anthony Shaffer (1926-2001) a playwright who wrote the script of The Wicker Man.───1985年,她嫁给了第三次,配合安东尼谢弗(1926年至2001年)的剧作家是谁写的脚本的柳条人结。
3、But I think "The Wicker Man" stands out as one of the defining horror films.───但是我认为《异JiaoTu》是一部出色的能够定义恐怖电影的影片。
the wicker man(英语使用场景)
1、Music video by Iron Maiden performing The Wicker Man.